Category Archives: Fiction

When You Live in the Desert


Dad shows me how to skin the diamondback by the creek behind the house. He is kneeling in the mud, his boots pressing square stamps into the uneven riverbed. I killed the snake earlier that morning. I drove a shovel through its body. It lunged at me and I wasn’t scared then. I was scared just before, when I found it there, coiled behind the rose bush, scared by me just the same. It felt like an accident more than anything else.

“I’m pretty proud of you,” Dad said then, after he came over from mowing dry grass. “It was brave to take in on by yourself.” Then he leaned on my shovel and told me I was now a man.

The snake still writhed, frantically alive, when he said that. If it could, I’m sure it would have been screaming. I yanked its body from its head, scales severing in thin chords, muscles elastic, and tossed it in a cardboard box. The trail of trickled blood in the red dirt made me want to vomit. Its jaw still flexed open and shut, snapping at the scent of prickly pear cacti, slower and slower each time. I nodded at Dad, and didn’t agree.

At the riverbed, Dad says we can eat the meat for lunch. It’ll be a man to man kind of thing. When he peels halfway down the length of the snake, he hands me the still twitching corpse, tells me to finish the job. I dip it in gentle ripples and rip down to the rattle, a toy in my dirty hand. And in one tug, the tail slips between my blood-curdled fingers and into the river current, carried away and out of sight in seconds.

“Goddammit,” Dad says. “What a waste.” Under his store-bought cowboy boots, the dirt crunches.

I go back to where the snake head dries, sand sticking in clumps to its drooling open end. I dig a shallow hole, stopped by flat rock. I push the head in and cover it. I don’t feel better about killing it, but I do feel better about peeling its skin off.

We make lunch in the fire pit we built last summer. Flames reach towards roots of nearby crabapple trees. A stray dog wanders nearby, but Dad scares it away. It’s just a puppy and it likes the smell of our frozen hamburgers over the fire. It watches from the edge of the field, just on the other side of a shallow section of creek. Its wet paws press round stamps near the larger squares in the muddy ground.

“It’ll be fine,” Dad says. “This is the desert, the tough things survive here.”

“It’s just a puppy.”

“The desert will make it get tough. That’s why your mother lets me keep you here in the summers.”

The meat sizzles over the fire. Dad reaches into the pit with his bare hand and moves a log to make a teepee shape. It collapses on crumbling ash. I go to the other side of the field where I chopped a pile of wood yesterday. I wrap my hand underneath some logs and feel something bite into my palm. I picture another diamondback seizing revenge.

“What’s taking so long?” Dad calls.

I’ve been hesitating too long and when I check my hand, I see a splinter threaded below the base of my fingers. It hurts, but I don’t want to tell Dad. It slides in and out of my skin, two pin-pockets, pockmarks of blood, though nothing really bleeds. I flex my fist a few times as I walk back to the fire pit. The burgers are burnt, but still cold in the middle. I build a small teepee of branches. The heat kicks up and the burgers sizzle a little more. The puppy still waits on the other side of the river, watching and licking its lips.

“You trying to kill me?” Dad asks.

He points to one of the thicker logs. Around it curls the countless legs of a tarantula the size of a dinner plate. It moves slow, eight eyes coursing back and forth across the waving grass, our coiled bodies.

Dad pokes at the fire. “What are you going to do with it?” he asks. It’s not scary. Orange spotted and furry. Red tinted like the dirt around it.

I open and close my fist. “Leave it be.” I say. The two pockmarks in my palm burn. “Put it back in the pile?”

Dad sighs and picks up the log and digs it into the heart of the fire. There’s no sound, but I’m sure I can hear the spider squeal.

The burgers are near cemented to the grate by the time they are ready. We scrape them off and eat what we can and let the rest burn off in the cooling fire.

“Let’s start the walkway,” Dad says, heaving himself up, palms pressed into his knees.

I start digging around the dirt-caked yard, looking for flat rocks. Dad’s idea is to place a series of flat rocks in a rough path from the end of the porch. He wants to grow grass between the rocks and make it look inviting, even though he doesn’t want visitors and green grass would look out of place among this desert landscape.

The puppy approaches as I stab around the edges of a purple-gray stone, large and flat. It looks at me and wags its tail, its head low. I can see its ribs and cuts along its skinny legs. A few cactus needles sticks from its back, dug in deep. He jumps away when I try to step closer, so I keep stabbing around the rock. It’s much bigger than I expect. I cut deep again and again and can’t reach the bottom.

“That’s a good one to start with,” Dad says, approaching with his shovel and a long iron pole meant to pry heavy things apart. He knifes it under the rock and begins grunting. The sound of thick metal clanging against rock scares the puppy back to the other side of the shallow creek. “This one,” Dad says, between grunts, “can go right at the edge,” he stabs again, his hairy arms flexing with his hairier knuckles, “of the porch. Can you help?”

I’m just standing and watching and so I hurry to dig more earth away from the opposite edges of the rock. Carving out the sides, we see it’s more of a boulder. “Grab the wheelbarrow,” Dad says, straightening his back. “We’re gonna get this thing out of the ground if it kills us.”

I jog across the open field, my boots blistering my soft feet. Anxiety wells in my chest like pebbles in my lungs. When I get back to Dad, he’s got the boulder propped on the iron wedge. He’s panting a few steps away.

“You know,” he says, his hands on his hips, and gaze drifting off across the field of cut hay. “Nothing comes easy in the desert.”

“I brought the wheelbarrow.”

“The desert is where the toughest things live,” he says. And then he tells me to grab two beers from the fridge. I hurry inside. I’m sweating for the first time that afternoon. The pinholes in my hand turn a shade of purple. They itch inside my skin.

We drink while staring at the rock. It isn’t the first beer I’ve had with him, but it’s the first one that feels like it matters.

“You killed a rattlesnake today,” he says. “You’re a man now.”

I never felt like I wasn’t.

The dog approaches from behind. In our silence, it sits next to Dad, looking up at him. The desert sun beats down on the three of us and I’m afraid to move. But the moment drags on longer and longer and Dad already finished his beer and I am not close to finishing mine. I try to drink faster.

I work up the courage to speak. “Should we…should we keep trying to get the rock out?”

He studies the inside of the clear bottle. “It’s on top of a nest of fire ants.” And now I can see the frenzied red lines erupting from underneath. He sighs. “Can’t just one fucking thing be easy in this place?” I listen to the wind pour over the mesa to the east.

“The desert is for the toughest things,” I say.

“Fuck off, Jay,” he says. He looks at the dog at his feet. It adjusts its position, straightens its back, knows it’s being noticed. They stare at each other for a moment. Somewhere, I hear a final crack of the fire smolder through dry wood. The sound of a car drifts from the highway on the other side of the mesa. The puppy stares big black eyes at Dad, whose knuckles tighten around the neck of the bottle.

I sneeze and when I open my eyes the puppy is gone, escaped back beyond the fire and over the creek.

“I can always just drop you back off at the airport. You can go back to your mommy if you want.”

I don’t look at him and I chug down the rest of the beer, even though it makes my stomach queasy. “I think there’s some good rocks over there.” I point towards the backside of the house. It isn’t the first time he’s threatened me. “Maybe I’ll just start poking around those.” He doesn’t know his threats mean less the more he makes them.

He leads the way to the small rocky crop. The blood on my shovel still shines dark in the afternoon light, glinting each time I jab downwards, popping small, flat rocks from their dirty holes.

The puppy returns to the fire pit. He tries to lick scorched meat from the grate but can’t without burning himself. Dad goes to a larger rock towards the bush line, and I walk over to the pit, get close to the dog before he notices. My boots crunch on the ground. From the grate, I pull tendrils of meat and let him take them from my palm. When he is comfortable enough to stay close, I pick him up. His body slacks into my palm. I feel strong, even though this is a small dog, and a minor effort.

“What are you doing?” Dad asks from his digging spot.

“I’m just trying to help this thing.” I place my fingers around the end of the cactus needles in his backside. He yelps and tries to wriggle away. I repeat that it’s going to be ok.

Dad doesn’t say anything, but I can hear him clanging his shovel harder and harder into the ground. He curses with effort.

I yank the needles out one by one. Black blood doesn’t trickle into his short fur. I put him back down and he yelps but doesn’t go far. He inches back with cautious steps.

Dad is on his knees, pulling up a rock with his bare hands. I walk back over to him, knowing I did a good thing. He spits at me when I approach. “Can you fucking help me for once?” he says, curling his fingers into the ground. “Just do the work.”

I stare at him and for a minute imagine that he is the snake, slithering across the ground until I take his head off with the sharp end of my already bloody shovel. In the desert, I wonder if he would ever be found. Gripping the handle against forming blisters of my palm, I chip away at the sides of the rock. We dig out its round bottom, wedging it back and forth between my shovel and his hands. The splinters feel like needles in my hand. I ignore the pain.

Dad feels around the edge, forcing his grubby hands over its flat surface when he stops. I swear I hear the puncture of pierced flesh. He doesn’t make a noise, but lifts his wrists up to reveal the severed head of a rattlesnake dangling by its fangs.

“Is it still venomous?” I don’t know if I ask out loud.

He stares at me and doesn’t pull the dirt-caked head from his wrist.

I grip my shovel to defend myself when Dad kneels back into the earth. Behind him, a thin red trail of fire ants approach. I feel dizzy. Not far away, the puppy laps at the river bank, looking at Dad from the corner of its eyes. I know that rattlesnake bites are rarely fatal, but I wonder all the same if he is tough enough to survive, out here in this heat, in this rural desert, where we aren’t the ones who decide if we get to live or not.

Orange Crush

It was 3 a.m. on the second day of March and the moon was waxing, gibbous, and full of rainbow. I was walking down the Rue de Esquimalt, tripping on my feet but also on whatever madman’s panacea, whatever twisted elixir was coursing through my veins at the time. I can’t remember what it was called. I can’t remember who gave it to me. Might’ve been Dan–Dan’s always good for the bad, bad shit. The stuff that makes your eyes spin like kaleidoscopic whirlpools and gets the dandelions talking. I think Dan gave it to me. Did I see Dan that day? No, Dan’s been in the slammer for months. Or was he the one that OD’d back in December? That seemed more like Dan.

I don’t remember who gave me the stuff but I was walking down the Rue de Esquimalt.

No, we don’t call it that even though the french school–a big blue monstrosity made almost completely from corrugated metal sheets like some kind of aluminum ocean–sits right behind the Shopper’s Drug Mart on that street. No, we don’t speak French here.

Let me start over.

It was 2 a.m. on the second day of May and the moon was waning, crescent, and winking at me. I was walking down Esquimalt Road, tripping on my feet but also on whatever madman’s panacea, whatever twisted elixir was coursing through my veins at the time. I was wearing my denim jacket and my tattered pair of blue high-tops, the one’s I was wearing when I kicked Johnny Z’s teeth in last summer at his sister’s birthday party after he caught the two of us fucking in the toolshed.

I guess you could say I was nailing her.

I guess you could say I was hammering her.

I guess you could say I was drilling her.

I guess you could say–

But enough about her. She doesn’t fucking matter.

It was 4 a.m. on the second day of Saturnalia and the moon was new and ignoring me like Donna Z three days after her brother caught us fucking in the toolshed at her birthday party. I was walking down the…the…

Where was I?

I was walking down the Rue de Esquimalt, tripping on my feet and the sweet-and-sour sauce that was mingling with my blood. I was leaving from someplace and most likely going someplace but instead, I ended up at that Shopper’s Drug Mart, the one that was open until midnight.

I guess it was before midnight then. Shit.

Okay, get it together. Deep breaths. Clear your head and just tell it. Tell the story.

To continue reading this selection you can purchase Issue 9


Sherman Larson has eighty-seven bear traps buried in his front yard. Every few weeks he changes them–different patterns for different moods.

Pensive: Neat rows exactly a foot apart. Carefully measured to promote tranquility. Balanced. Zen.

Anxious: Haphazard clumps. Only some are set to activate, their mouths held open in silent screams. The rest keep their mouths shut.

Grieved: As close to porch as possible, layered almost one on top of the other. Protection against the cancer that reduced the woman he both feared and worshiped into a hollow husk.
This week: Zen.

Sherman rises from his twin bed and stretches. His tan arms, brushed with almost imperceivably light red hairs, are thin, but toned. He keeps in shape by cutting firewood and the thirty-seven pushups he does every afternoon after lunch. It is important to stay healthy.

He takes a deep breath, filling and filling, until the pressure hurts. He allows it to linger. This pushes the black Bugs away from his lungs. As long as he’s lived, so have they. Crawling inside of his chest, wiggling through his liver, in and out of the thick valves in his heart. He tried to dig them out, once. On that night, they burrowed deep into his core, past his organs, into his blood, infusing themselves in every platelet and cell. His only achievement was a bright red stain on the floor and a trip to the hospital. The doctors kept him under observation for seventy-two hours. They did not understand that he dug the carving knife into his chest, not to die, but to allow himself to keep living.

Bedroom: Fifteen steps from bed to doorway. Sherman avoids the landmine concealed under the grey-green carpet. A faded red flannel shirt, four white socks, and pair of light blue boxers cover the lump the mine creates. They are the only pieces of clothing on the floor. They have never been worn.

Hallway: Eight steps to the bathroom. He walks along the left side, one foot carefully placed in front of the other. This avoids the small pressure plates laid into the floorboards. If pressed, an electrical current triggers the arrows hidden in family photos lining the right wall. The photos are all share the same dark brown wooden frame. They are not of his family.

He does not remember when he started booby-trapping the inner rooms of his house. He just knows it is needed. Just as the Bugs have always been there, so has the feeling of looming, imposing dread. That something was watching him, waiting for him to let down his guard. Waiting to strike. The bear traps outside, the landmines indoors, all were necessary to keep it at bay.

Bathroom: Two steps into the doorway. He ignores the light switch on the wall. It is rewired to create an electric shock if touched. Sherman instead flicks the small metal lever on the side of the vanity mirror. Stepping out of his white Jockeys, he turns the hot water nozzle in the tub, not bothering with the cold. He steps into the stream, closing the dark green curtain around him.

To continue reading this selection you can purchase Issue 9


Damien had always hated coming into his parents’ bedroom—hollering good night from the doorway as she lay in a purple nightie, Pops spread-eagle in briefs like anybody wanted to see his hairy ass self. But Pops hadn’t stepped foot in his room for, what, a month? He put on a good show, faking like he hadn’t been sleeping in the recliner, shoving the comforter beneath the couch before Damien got out of bed each morning—Pops is stupid, D thought. He would’ve been in that room every night, every day just trying to catch a smell of her: sawdust, lavender, and cheap-ass detergent. All Damien wanted to do was pilfer. He’d pocket every damn thing if he could. He wouldn’t, maybe some things, no, what he liked about the room now was that, like, the light had changed. Not just the light but also the air. Like he’d stepped into a still life painting of his Moms without his Moms in frame, but still there, you know. Like how the first time he’d snuck in her room he noticed a painting, hidden behind a stack of windows his folks salvaged from a church and the windows stood tall, like, almost to the ceiling. He knew the painting. A Rembrandt he’d studied in honors history: a naked lady on the bed, the sheets crumpled and twisted. There was this dude creeping behind a curtain wearing a baggy-assed hat and maybe from the vantage point of a newcomer he was still unseen but she, Danae, she was all in light. The light was Zeus. His folks didn’t own shit like this, or even care about art and the Rembrandt didn’t add up to what he knew about his Moms. So, he kept coming back, pussyfooting, as his Pops called it, trying to learn more because fuck if he felt now that he had ever known a damn true thing.

D closed the curtains, wiped dirt from the sheets. On top of his mom’s dresser, crowded by dumb figurines—the poodle-shaped perfume dispenser, the dolphin swimming along ceramic waves, blue bottles with tiny mouths—were prescriptions, hand lotion, a Christie Mystery and two packs of Capris Slims. All as before. He used to love watching his Moms smoke, the way she blew out a thick white cloud and then sucked it up through her nose. French, she called it. Her voice, the smoke, it tore him up to remember, made his shoulders shake and snot drip from his nose, but he pilfered this too—the straight-bawling—from her room. The fuck ever, he thought, stuffing both packs in his pocket, revived now that he’d stolen something. Metal ringlets jingled when he pulled open each dresser drawer in turn. He was looking for surprises, like the Rembrandt, but hoping to find nothing save ordinary. The top two drawers, petite and inset, were full of cotton panties but his hand ran across something silken and lacey with alligator clips and he pulled it out all in one tangle. What the purple waistband was he didn’t know but the garter belt he recognized instantly. Durg’s sister, Penny, wore a black one around her neck like a collar. Penny’s neck was dark brown and long and thin and she always cut the necklines from her Cure t-shirts so that half her cleavage showed. He shoved the garter and lacey belt deep into his pocket and got the hell out. He didn’t want to think about Penny with his hand all up in his Mom’s panty drawer.


D pedaled the two miles over to the purple house that killed his mother, racing hard against the fall wind, cold-tears streaming down his faceHe dropped his BMX at the backdoor and grabbed the key from beneath a frog-shaped planter and he let himself inside. When his Moms got sick, they’d been in the process of tearing out the walls, opening the place up so this tiny-ass house might have more flow (so different than his own crib where every square inch was taken up by random junk, like, old doors, tools, siding and sinks). Their construction firm had folded under the weight of Mom’s hospital bills but his Pops finished the job on his own, refusing to sell even though the market had spiked. His Pops had painted every room a different shade of purple. Even the exterior was violet and lavender; the living room mauve, the kitchen deep and the bathroom where the black mold had been was Royal. One room in every house they finished had been painted Royal, her signature. Know why it’s called that? When she asked, he’d been in the fifth grade and interested in invertebrates, the ocean. The color comes from the mucus of sea slugs. Only royalty had purple robes, you know.

D closed himself in the bathroom. His lungs opened—swoosh, like dropping down the water slide at Adventure River—and a crying jag hit him unawares but he sucked it back, snorting up the tears until he coughed. There was no black mold now. Men in biohazard suits had torn the rest of the bathroom away, ran tests on the entire house. That didn’t help D none. The mold had been hidden, no sign of it at all in that once dandelion-wallpapered room where everything was stained tawny from nicotine. When his Moms busted out the walls with her pink gorilla bar she did not know the mold was there. D thought about her coma, the pneumonia steadily beating down all antibiotics. It was the same, wasn’t it? No signs of dying showed on her face because all the sickness existed on the inside.

Standing in the tub next to a frosted window above the soap tray, Damien lit his first cigarette. The smoke went down harshly and he hacked. He practiced French, like Moms, collecting the smoke in his cheeks and letting it sift slowly out, trying but failing to suck the white cloud up through his nostrils. She made it look so easy. He tried, again. The toothpick-sized cigarette held daintily between his lips. He did not feel tough but weirdly sexual, like he was kissing it and suddenly with the urgency of having forgotten something very important he pulled out the garter and ran his fingers across the silky center, pinching it with his thumb. It was stretchy and the lace did not feel coarse, not the way he’d always imagined Penny’s garter to itch her skin, no, it felt soft and inviting. A dumbass thing, he thought, about Penny, to wear this around your neck. He was fighting off an image of his Moms acting sexy, of her standing nearly nude in a doorway. She’d once been young, like Penny. Before she’d had D, before she’d melded her desires with the house and work, she had wanted to be sexy for some dude. He’d never thought of his Moms as anything but an overbearing hard-ass that controlled his Play Station time and only let him stay over at Durg’s once a month. His Moms had pushed him to get into seventh grade honors, then eighth and now he was in all AP courses and he hated how little time he had for dicking off with Durg who was 100 percent Gen. Pop. And as he pulled his pants down and off, he did not try and stop the coming tears but let the snot bubble, let strings of saliva hang from his lips, falling, straight-nasty, like some living thing, like some sea slug bleeding purple. He slid the garter onto his thigh. It fit snugly, and the silk ran like cool water against his skin.


When he got home, Damien found Pops half-asleep on the recliner, Married With Children blasting from the TV. D avoided his sad eyes and threw himself down on the couch, heavy-like so his mood televised broader than Al Bundy. D was tired, too.

“What’s up with dinner?”

Pops pulled a cigarette free with his teeth and lit it. Smoke curled under his Lennon eyeglasses and he rubbed the ache away with a dirty fingernail. “See what’s in the kitchen,” he said. “Not hungry myself.”

You ain’t never hungry, man. His Pops was still wearing work clothes, ratty-old white tennis shoes, blue jeans covered in paint and joint compound, a flannel unbuttoned over a dark purple J and M Construction shirt—Jim and Molly. His Moms, Molly, had she been there, would make dinner. Tired and dressed identically as this lazy-ass man she would cook up some chicken or at least throw a pizza in the oven. Her face, dawg! Damn if he would cry in front of Pops. If he did, he knew what would come next: Pops kneeling, petting D like he was five years old. Nah, he told himself, just breathe through. But her face was there in his mind’s eye, her black hair, thin and shiny, making her pale skin look like paper, drawing out all those microscopic freckles around her eyes, copper with little flakes of gold all broken up like light reflecting off shards of broken glass. D stuffed his hands into his pockets, a protective reflex he’d owned since he was old enough to wear pants. With his hands hidden, no one could see him clench his fists, digging his nails into his palms until the pain grew intolerable. He felt the lumpy lace of his Mom’s garter belt around his thigh and this calmed him. He’d stolen one of her secrets and now that everything seemed so damn transparent he longed for secrecy, for some private knowledge only they shared.

His Pops snored in the recliner beside him, a Pall Mall burning down between his calloused fingers. Secrets, right? D reached into his bag and pulled out the stolen pack of Slims. Slowly, he brought a cigarette to his lips. Pop’s snore deepened when D grabbed the zippo and—chink-chink—sparked the flint. He let the flame hang close, but did not light up.

D stashed the Slims into his backpack and went to the kitchen to see about dinner. In the fridge, he found molded cheese, a sweating plastic bag with bologna inside. Durg had food. His fridge was always stocked. Penny might have some weed besides.


His best friend Freddy Durango was the only fifteen-year-old he knew that still wanted to play Magic the Gathering during sleepovers and when D came barreling through the basement door, unannounced and hollering like he was being chased by something Durg jumped, Nintendo controller ripping from the console, and bolted the door closed all like WTF.

“I’m just fucking with you.”

“Why you even here?”

“I’m hungry and your Moms probably ordered in from somewhere. Am I right? Right. What, like, pizza? Like hoagies? Nah. It’s Chinese.”

Durg nodded, told D there was Chow Mein from Royal Dragon.

When D came back down to the basement, carrying a to-go container of cold Chinese food, he asked after Penny. Durg didn’t pause the game or look up. “Where you think?”

D wanted to run to Penny’s door, ask after some weed or a DVD, acting like he could give a fuck if she wanted to share or not, if she wanted to be near him or not. D had to finesse his love for Penny so Durg never got jealous. So he shrugged his shoulders all, like, who cares and he ate the clumped, slimy noodles from Royal Dragon. He even sat for, like, ten minutes more after he finished just to prove to Durg he wanted nothing to do with his sister.

“I gotta piss,” D said and skipped from the basement up the stairs and into the little hall where Penny’s door stood across from the bathroom.He knocked, listened. A Cure poster hung above the knob and his ear almost touched Robert Smith’s mouth. He heard the rustling of Penny’s comforter and her soft padding across the room. “What?” her voice, dull and irritable, came from inside.

“Yo, it’s D. You hooked up?”

She opened the door. Her head barely reached Damien’s chin and he liked that she made him feel tall even though he was short. Her tiny fingers tugged at the lace band around her neck. D thumbed his own garter through the pocket of his jeans.

“I’m busy,” she said. D saw a pile of eyeballs and mouths cut from various magazines strewn across her bed.

“With what?” he asked.

“Don’t be a bitch, Pen,” Durg called from the basement.

Penny rolled her eyes. “Give me a minute.”

When she came out of her room, Penny demanded Durg stop playing Nintendo so she could watch Pulp Fiction.

“That movie is so damn stale, Pen.”

“My weed, my pick. Besides, you know you like Uma, Freddy. I see the way your hand disappears in your pockets when you watch Kill Bill. Next to your sister?That’s sick, hijo.”

Durg let out a long bratty-assed sigh before he shut down the system. He threw himself between D and Penny. Penny pulled a joint from behind her ear.

“We got to wait,” she said.

“For what?”

“For the Royal with Cheese.”

When Penny finally lit the joint, Samuel L. Jackson was quoting from the bible. But D had long since lost focus, the word Royal playing him like a yo-yo, bringing back memory upon memory like sneezing fits and he feared their disappearance, feared that each flash, bright—horribly fucking bright—would be lost. There weren’t enough memories, he thought. He was too young. What then, he asked himself a second time. When I’m old and stupid and tired and sitting in front of Married With Children—what will I remember of Mom? There was so much to remember and yet he was just a kid, he knew that, and he knew soon he’d be like his Pops, like his Moms was before she died—not young anymore, not a man who wanted his wife in lingerie, not like a woman who wore lacey garters.

He took Penny’s joint between his fingers, inhaled deep and did not cough. He was proud of this. Soon he was mired in a heavy high and Pulp Fiction ended and Durg was saying he wanted to go to bed, offering to set up a blow up mattress for D. But D said, no. Said he needed to get back home.

“Smoke one more with me.” Penny was smiling at him with this shy glance full of meaning and expectation that straight freaked D out because that’s the way he’d always wanted her to look at him since he was, like, nine years old. “Yeah, alright,” he said.

Durg scoffed, sulked off to his bedroom and slammed the door. Ever since Freddy and Damien had met in third grade Durg had feared D would like Penny more. Only recently had Durg’s suspicions drifted toward sex, attraction, no, before he just didn’t want D to start liking The Misfits and Shakespeare.

When Damien brought his attention back to Penny her face was so close he saw jittering wet in her eyes; her lips parted, showing bright, sharp teeth. “What’s it like?” she asked. “Our family is fucked up, but I can’t imagine—“

She passed D the joint. The smoke and rotting smell of cannabis wafting inches from his nose. He couldn’t bring himself to hit the weed, not yet, not if he was hearing Penny right. He felt everything, that’s how, and nothing.

“I’m sorry,” Penny said. “Stupid to ask.”

D shook his head. It wasn’t stupid to ask. And he wanted to tell her about the Rembrandt behind windows in his parents’ room, about the woman laid up in bed with her hand raised toward Zeus, presumably alone, but not alone. He wanted to ask Penny who she thought the person was, the one with the velvety toque. A spy? Collecting evidence to sell to the king? He knew the myth, knew Danae would be chucked into the sea, locked in a chest by a King more afraid of the Furies than Oracle’s prophesy. It fucked with D—the future awaiting Danae, the uncertainty of her survival. The painting was about secrets, about the lighted places and the shadows where little peeping-ass squires wait to blow the whole thing up. He looked at Penny, trying to form words, and she kissed him. Her breath tasted like ash and the cola she’d been drinking. He kissed her back, hard, like they’d kissed before but he hadn’t ever, like, with anybody. D felt, like, shaky and shit because he wanted her so bad and had for so long and yet she’d kissed him only after asking about his Moms and that made him angry and in some fucked switch-a-roo it also made him want her more. Penny straddled his lap, made hmmming noises when he touched her breasts. He pulled at the waistband of her shorts, tugging down from behind so that he could feel the sheen of her panties.

She grabbed his hands. “No.No.No,” she said, through scrunched together lips.

D didn’t listen. He was intent on feeling the hidden places where no one but Penny’s hand moved. She jerked her face away.

“Rule number one, asshole, and it’s better you learn from me,” she said. “Never keep going after a girl says no.” Her disappointment, her hurt: the taught jaw.

He shook his head—“Just forget it.” He tried to wiggle from beneath her weight.

“God!” Penny punched him in the chest but he didn’t feel pain. “You a freak, D.”


D eased into the dark kitchen, shutting the backdoor with a faint click.

“Don’t pussyfoot on my account.” He heard his Pop’s voice a second before a thick, hard hand clutched the meat of his upper arm and sent him crashing into the fridge. “Where the fuck you been? Too big to tell me when you go out?” Pops flipped on the light. Two large pizza boxes sat closed on the table. “Didn’t order this shit to go to waste.”

D could smell pepperoni and cheese and he wanted some. He wanted to sit in front of the TV and eat slice after slice until he was bloated and sick; Pops curled up in his makeshift bed on the recliner. He wanted to lean back and smoke, talk about how shitty The Braves were playing that season—Pass me the ashtray, son. D could not stop thinking about Penny, the smooth skin of her thigh. The smell of vanilla oil was all over him and he wanted so badly to be beneath her weight on the Durango’s couch.

“I ate,” Damien mumbled.

“What?” he said. “Speak up, man.”

“I’m not hungry, okay.”

“Oh, that’s funny. Last I heard you wanted dinner.”


The next morning, D walked inside Walgreens like he was eighteen, not fifteen and skipping school. He scanned the pharmacy aisle for Robitussin. All night he had dreamed of Penny and pizza and his father shoving him against the fridge, of his Moms: her eyes squinting with confusion and hurt. He wanted to make things right with Pops but they were so different—what was he supposed to say? He didn’t feel sorry, not really, no, he was straight-pissed. He wanted Pops to sleep in his room again and for Moms to drive him to school in the morning, shoving a gross-ass pack of lunchables into his hands like he was still nine years old. But with Penny he hoped, like, if he could just make her laugh then she’d forgive him. He could do that, right?

“Shouldn’t you be in school?” A woman around his Mom’s age stood at the cash register, pretty in her own right, with thick cleavage pushing out the top of a low cut dress. I got bird bones his Moms used to tell Damien. In memory, she wore a purple tank top, low cut and her ribs spread out from her sternum like the imprint of fingers drug across sand. Bird bones can’t hold curves like some women, or they’d break.

“For my mother,” Damien told the cashier. “She’s sick.”


D rode over to the purple house; the rhythmic tick-tacking of bearings in the hub of his back rim, as he coasted along narrow residential streets. He didn’t care if anyone stole his bike when he tossed it aside in the drive; didn’t care that he wanted a cigarette, desire in his chest. Not anymore. He knew he was the creep behind the drapes, that silly-ass jester watching Zeus’ coming light. What else could a fifteen-year-old boy do but peep grown up shit from shadows?

D thought about how he’d helped his Moms the day the realtor dropped off keys to the purple house. Pops was at the bank. She’d pounded plaster from the kitchen walls with her gorilla, Birdie, as Damien followed behind, popping lath off rough-hewn studs with a crowbar. Her mouth and nose was hidden behind a thin paisley bandana while a double filtered oxygen mask had dwarfed Damien’s head. In the bathroom now, he imagined knocking down walls. Swoosh. Smash. He imagined plaster raining down in giant clumps, rifts torn in dandelion wallpaper like flags among soot colored dust. This is how the mold had entered her lungs.

He lit a Slim and blew French.

“Damien?” Pops called. “You here?”

He hadn’t heard the door. He flushed the Slim. “Using the bathroom,” he said.

“Don’t clog the toilet. Prospectives always ask about plumbing.”

Prospectives? Prospectives meant couples with newborns, couples with no kids, or couples with five kids. Prospectives meant rich college students whose parents tagged along quietly in the background, making mental notes of all things wrong with the place.

D unlatched the lock.“Since when?”

“Just came back from the realtor’s office. It’s time.”

Pops sat on the floor across from D; head leaned against the wall, his beard thick with gray. The way his Pops looked now, eyes fixed upward, reminded D of when his Moms was in the hospital. She had tubes in her nose and mouth and her arms. She wore a thin paper-gown. Pops had asked the nurse to dress her in something comfortable but the nurse told him no. He had pushed past her and into a supply closet and dug through drawers, looking for scrubs. It had taken two security guards to cuff Pops to a chair and he’d banged his head against the wall, yelling, Get her out of that paper gown, goddamn it. Dress her comfortably. What if Pops never came back, D thought, never again slept in his old room? What if this man was his father now?

His Pops leaned forward, gripping Damien’s knee. “We’ll get through this. We will.”


D could see Penny reading in bed when he knocked on her window. She popped up, grabbing a baseball bat from behind her nightstand. “Escucheme, pendejo! Step off!”

“It’s Damien.”

“The fuck, D? I was about to roll your ass. Come to the door like a normal person.”

He pressed the bottle of Robo to the window and said, “Let’s trip, Pen.”

She was waiting for him in the basement. Durg was immersed in some upper level Sonic the Hedgehog D had never before seen. Freddy loved the old systems: Nintendo, Sega. Hell, the fool even played Atari.

“Don’t you have other friends?” Penny asked.

“If we ever make out,” D said. “I promise I will not touch you.”

Durg threw down his controller mid game and stood like he was about to swing on D but he didn’t step—“What the fuck you just say to my sister?”

“It’s cool Freddy,” Penny said. “It won’t ever happen, again.”

Freddy was all red faced and Penny was still looking like come on motherfucker. Tell me why I should be nice? D tossed Robos to each of the siblings. He threw himself on a round papasan. He hated this fucking chair because the dog slept there and once, back like when they were in fourth grade, D had found a turd.

“What the hell is this?” Durg asked.

D didn’t answer. He popped the childproof seal and downed the bottle in one extended gulp. The stuff tasted acrid, sweet. “Cheers, bitches.”

They watched him, anger slipping away until he saw a little shimmer of oh-it’s-on-now! Penny bit into the plastic seal, pulled it away with her teeth. D watched Freddy. The less he saw Penny do anything with her mouth the happier he’d be, like, forever. Durg downed his bottle and snatched up his controller, dragging out his anger. “Don’t fuck with my sister, dawg.”

“You ain’t my Papi, guey. I want to fuck D, you don’t have a say.”

“I’m not talking to you, Pen. I’m telling D how it is.”

All Damien heard was fuck. He told himself Penny didn’t mean it that way. She’d accidentally dropped a couple prepositions—to fuck with—by accident. D curled into the shit-stained ottoman, slipping his hands into his pockets. He was still wearing the garter.

When the Robo kicked in all color and sound ballooned and D could not hold onto any true thing—his Moms planting seeds in the garden. She wore a sun hat. She wore brown shorts. A wheelbarrow. Manure. On her wrist, a watch glinted in the sun—Birdie burst through plaster and stayed—she drove with the radio playing oldies, laughing and tickling D. Car dance, Damien! She wiggled her arms back and forth and he giggled as the singer crooned in high falsetto about the jungle. He couldn’t hold on, like, choking. He coughed, a captured spike. It was too much, the rolling dreams. D covered himself with an afghan pulled from the back of the papasan and watched the room through holes in the cross-stitch. He curled deeper into the blanketPurple dots popped in the darkness and if he squeezed his eyes shut, bigger explosions pulsed. The purple air grew humid and he giggled and the giggling spread through his body and turned to strong and unstoppable laughter. Sweat slipped from his chin. He saw light. When he slipped headfirst from the folds of the afghan and his head crowned he saw his mother’s face over her belly, bloodshot and wet with tears. The air caught on his skin. He screeched. And he fell to the floor with a hard, weighted thunk, The room blurred, brightened until it nearly broke apart with light and there was Penny and Durg, arms touching as they watched Sonic stand motionless, shrouded in a sparkling sphere.

“Let’s get out of here,” Damien said and ran from the basement before either sibling had a chance to stand.

Mica shimmered up at him from the black asphalt. Houses with two, sometimes three levels stood on elevated yards. The night was cool and Penny was without a jacket. She rubbed her arms. Durg rapped under his breath, repeating the same harmony again and again, mouthing vowels, sound without meaning.

They reached a set of railroad tracks—a distant car alarm. A crack of white light unzipped the dark. He lit a Slim and watched smoke drift upward. His Mom’s satin garter felt chilly and tight against his skin. The ground vibrated with the weight of an oncoming train. When the engine came into view, everything succumbed to the sound of passing freighters. D stepped closer, feeling the wind as it moved through his hair and pushed through his sinuses and pressed against his closed eyes. He waited, trying to determine the break between cars by listening to the change in rhythm—a solid WOOSH before a hollow WISH. WOOSHWISH. A hand grabbed through the darkness and held onto his arm. He opened his eyes briefly and saw Penny. Durg was slouching, arms crossed over his chest but he too had shut his eyes. The engine, beyond them now, blew a whistle that cut through the racket of steel wheels on track. Penny squeezed, her fingers cold. Fainter still, the train whistle blew. Blew again.


“Mom. We have to save the rainforests.”

These were the seven words with which my seven-year-old greeted me as she climbed into the minivan in the Pittsburgh Zoo parking lot.

I swiveled around in the driver’s seat, trying to get a good look at her face. Her piercing blue eyes stared solemnly back at me from beneath the bill of her puff-painted baseball cap, her blonde pigtail braids hanging ragged by her ears. I opened my mouth to ask what on earth this was about, but the other kids I was carpooling clamored into the car and I knew it was useless to try to talk over their raucous chatter.

By the time I’d dropped off the other kids, I’d forgotten her strange comment. As I pulled away from the Rosen’s driveway, I glanced at her in the rearview mirror. She was gazing out the window with her usual glazed look, but I noticed a single tear working its way down her cheek.

“Alison? Are you okay, baby?” I asked, casting my eyes back on the road. She didn’t answer. “Did something happen at camp today?”

“I told you already.” Her voice had an edge to it. “We have to save the rainforests.”

Oh. That.

“They told you that at camp?”

“Millions of species are losing their homes, Mom,” she went on, and when I glanced at her in the mirror again I saw that she was still staring out the window. “The rainforests will all be gone by the year 2000. That’s only six years from now.”

I inhaled deeply through my nose and released a slow breath, thinking of my mother’s words when she’d handed Alison back to me in the delivery room. She’s got an old soul, this one.

I don’t know if I believe in reincarnation, but there was definitely something heavier, older, about Alison. As a baby, she watched her older sister Charlotte running around, her little forehead wrinkled in somber concentration. Sometimes I would watch her as she stared into space and wonder what could possibly be going on in that little head of hers. Her later acquisition of speech didn’t assist me much in answering that question.

I glanced back at her again, noting another tear dripping down her cheek.

“So… you’re… really upset about this, huh,” I said slowly.

She finally turned to look at me in the mirror, and her glare was answer enough.



The phone rang shortly after bedtime. I sighed and tossed my pen onto the desk, sitting back to give the tax forms a despairing once-over before getting up to answer.


“Hi, Mrs. Krieger?”


“Hi, how are you? This is Cindy. I’m Alison’s counselor at zoo camp.”

I clenched the receiver a little tighter and slipped into the stool by our breakfast bar.

“Good, how are you?” I responded mechanically.

“I’m great, thanks! I was just calling to check in on Alison. She seemed pretty upset today.”

“About rainforests? She said something in the car…”

“Right… so… today was Rainforest Day. Most of the day she had a great time. It was just at the end, see, we put on this little movie for the kids… just a cute informational video about rainforest conservation, and it had images and sounds from the rainforest.”

“And she found it upsetting?”

“Well—not the video itself—see, we have a Moluccan cockatoo in the classroom, named Barney, and when the video came on, with the jungle sounds, you know, he started making this sort of mournful crooning noise. And then the other counselor—Meg—threw out a comment that he was crying because he missed his home, and…”


“Yeah, so, Alison got real upset after that. I had to sit with her for a while and calm her down.”

I sighed. “She’s… a really intense kid.”

“Yeah. She seemed okay afterward, but still kinda sad, so I just wanted to make sure she’s okay.”

I glanced toward the staircase, chewing my lip. “Thanks for calling, Cindy.”



Alison had more of a bounce to her step the following morning, and I felt a wave of relief when I heard her singing to herself over her cereal. As my husband turned away from the coffee machine in the kitchen, I caught his eye and jerked my head toward the breakfast bar. He raised his eyebrows in a look of I told you so. I’d spent more time than I care to admit chewing his ear off the night before about Alison and her emotional intensity. I even raised the question of whether we should take her to therapy. Max had been dismissive, which annoyed me, but maybe he’d been right.

That afternoon, after camp, I took the girls to the library. Charlotte headed straight for the middle grade section, but Alison wandered off toward the adult reference books. I cocked an eyebrow, but said nothing. Alison was an advanced reader for a seven-year-old, but normally she would stay close behind Charlotte, collecting her sister’s rejects.

I should have guessed what she was looking for. She tottered back under the weight of three enormous volumes about rainforests, and spent the rest of the afternoon shut up in her room reading them.




On the last day of zoo camp, she dragged me to the spider monkey enclosure, insisting that she needed to show me something before we left. She skidded to a halt and pointed to the wall opposite the monkeys. There was a large digital screen with numbers that were rapidly falling. The placard next to it explained that the numbers represented the number of acres of rainforest that still existed.

“By the year 2000, they’ll be gone,” Alison whispered, her eyes wide. “I don’t want to live in a world that doesn’t have rainforests.”

I closed my eyes and swallowed. This was starting to get even more annoying than my sister’s self-righteous lectures about the meat industry. Come to think of it, I thought, maybe she and her Aunt Judy should hang out and bemoan global warming together.

Then I looked back into my daughter’s eyes, which were welling with tears.

“Can you help me save them?” she whispered.

“I…” I stuttered. “Baby, I’d really like to, but I don’t know…”

“Are any of our tables made from rainforest wood?”


“The counselors said that one thing we can do to save the rainforests is not buy things made out of rainforest wood.”

“Oh. Well, I’m pretty sure we don’t have anything like that. Rainforest woods are pretty expensive.”

Her shoulders relaxed a little at that, and she turned around to watch a spider monkey deftly swing from a tree branch and cling to the netting at the top of the enclosure.

“They’re my favorite,” she said.




A few days later, Judy and I sat on the back porch, sipping iced tea and watching our kids play Red Light, Green Light in the grass. Judy sighed, lifting her dark curls from the back of her neck and resting the ice-cold glass against her skin, which was dripping with sweat. I chewed my lip, wondering whether I should tell her about Alison’s newfound rainforest obsession. On the one hand, Judy’s vegan smugness might swell to unprecedented and dangerous levels. On the other hand, Alison had been talking and reading about nothing else for several days, and despite my own discomfort with all this environmentalism stuff, I wanted to encourage her to follow her passions. If anyone knew concrete things Alison could do to save the rainforest, it would be Judy.

Fortunately, Judy made the decision for me.

“What’s going on with Alison lately?” she asked, as if she’d read my mind. “She’s been even more taciturn than usual.”

“She’s…” I sighed. “Upset about the rainforests.”

Judy looked at me with an eyebrow raised. “Rainforests?”

I told her the story about the bird at zoo camp, and as predicted, the corners of her mouth pricked up in that distinct smug look. I suppressed the urge to roll my eyes.

“So,” she said. “You’ve got a little environmentalist on your hands.”

“Don’t be so damn pleased with yourself.” I slapped at a mosquito on my arm, but missed it. “So… what do I do with her?”

Judy looked out over the lawn, her eyes following Alison’s progress toward Danny’s turned back. “Well, you know what I’m going to say.”

“That’s why I’m asking you.”

Judy gave me a scrutinizing look. “Really?”

“Yeah. I think I should encourage her. Contrary to what you may believe, I don’t actually hate the planet.”

Judy smirked. “How the mighty have fallen.”

“Quit gloating and just tell me how my kid can save the rainforest.”

Judy sat back in her chair, rubbing the rim of her glass against her chin.

“There are campaigns and organizations you can donate to,” she said. “Forest rehabilitation, lobbying for governments to do more to stop deforestation, stuff like that.”

“Yeah, but that’s all grown-up stuff, isn’t it?”

“She could set aside some of her allowance. Or maybe could organize some kind of fundraiser.”

I snorted at that. “A fundraiser? She’s seven years old, Judy.”

“Yeah, but she’s also Alison.”

“And? Have you ever seen her say more than two words to a stranger? You think she’s going to organize a fundraiser?”

Judy gave me a thoughtful look. “If I know anything about that kid,” she said, “it’s that she’s a determined little critter and she’ll do whatever’s necessary if she wants it enough. She may have inherited Max’s introversion, but she also inherited your stubborn ass.”

“You got a problem with my stubborn ass? You can kiss it.” I picked an ice cube out of my otherwise empty glass and lobbed it at her. Before I knew it we had both poured the remainder of our ice down each other’s shirts and were gasping from cold and laughter.




Judy was right, though. The minute I suggested the idea of raising money for a rainforest conservation campaign, Alison’s eyes lit up. She ran up to her room and came back with one of the books she’d borrowed from the library, pointing to a list of organizations in the back. Charlotte, never one to be left out of a new enterprise, suggested setting up a lemonade stand on Murray Avenue.

And so, in the worst of the muggy August heat, we schlepped a card table, a cooler full of ice, our juicer, and several bags of lemons and sugar down the few blocks to the corner of Beacon and Murray. Passersby and the patrons of the nearby storefronts glanced at us in polite curiosity as we set ourselves up by the curb. Alison quickly got frustrated when the sugar didn’t dissolve well and I was gearing up to face a full-blown crisis, but then Charlotte somehow rigged up an ingenious little solar oven from aluminum foil and managed to make sugar syrup right there on the sidewalk.

Within ten minutes, people were lining up by the stand. As I might have predicted, Charlotte took charge, chatting up customers and taking their money while barking orders to Alison about appropriate proportions of ice and lemonade. I almost stepped in and asked Charlotte to tone down the big-sister tyranny when a woman with cropped gray hair and a silk floral blouse finally asked why the sign we had hung read “Lemonade for the Rainforest”—and it was Alison who spoke up.

“The rainforests are the lungs of the world.”

All eyes turned on her in astonishment.

She looked the woman straight in the eye and went on: “The Amazon rainforest produces more than 20% of the world’s oxygen,” she rattled off, “and absorbs about 25% of the world’s carbon dioxide. Rainforests are also home to half of all the 10 billion species in the world and about one-fifth of the world’s fresh water lies in the Amazon basin. But they are being destroyed very quickly and by the year 2000 they will all disappear and all those animals will lose their homes, and lots of people, too, if we don’t do something.”

There were a few moments of shocked silence. It didn’t surprise me one bit that she’d memorized those figures, but I don’t think I’d ever heard so many words come out of Alison’s mouth all at once, much less to a perfect stranger.

“Well, young lady,” the woman finally said, “that sounds very important.”

“It is. And a $5 donation to the Rainforest Foundation saves a whole acre of forest.”

“And you’re donating all your proceeds to the Rainforest Foundation?”

“What are proceeds?”

“The money we make,” Charlotte cut in with her most patronizing drawl, “duh.”

“Charlotte,” I warned.

“Yes,” Alison said to the woman. “That’s what we’re doing.”

“I’ll take one,” said the woman, drawing a $50 bill from her purse. “And you go on and donate the change to the Rainforest Foundation.” She handed the bill to a wide-eyed Charlotte. Alison looked completely unfazed as she poured the cup of lemonade and offered it to the woman.

“The Rainforest Foundation thanks you for your contribution,” she said evenly. I covered my mouth to stifle a giggle.

The woman looked at me and smiled. “What a charming little girl you have.”

Charlotte pouted at her receding back.




I helped them count their earnings at the end of the day. Even deducting the cost of the sugar and lemons, we were all delighted to discover that they had $214 to send the Rainforest Foundation. I took the cash and wrote a check, and Alison helped me address the envelope and drop it in the mailbox in front of the O’Conners’ house.

“Can we go to the zoo tomorrow?” Alison asked, skipping back up the path to our front porch, her blond braids bouncing.

“You haven’t had enough of the zoo for this summer?” I said weakly, letting my eyes close in exhaustion at the mere thought.

“I need to check the numbers near the spider monkeys.”

It took me until we were inside the house before I registered what she meant.

“Alison,” I said. She stopped skipping across the living room and whirled around to face me. “I… you mean you want to check that screen? The one with the number of acres…?”

She nodded.

“I want to see how much we helped.”

My stomach plummeted and I swallowed, studying her face.

“Sweetheart…” I said, measuring my words carefully, “the check is in the mailbox right now. It will take a while before it gets there.”

“How long?”

“Maybe a week or two…”

“So can we go in a few weeks?”

“Alison…” I said slowly, still struggling to figure out how to explain this to her. “I don’t think you’ll be able to see any difference.”

Alison’s eyes narrowed and she searched my face, her lips pressing together in a frown.

“Your two hundred dollars will help a lot, I’m sure,” I said quickly, “but it will take a great deal more than that to… really… change those numbers.”

“But… the Rainforest Foundation says that $5 saves a whole acre.”


“So how many acres will $214 save?”

“That’s… more than 40 acres,” I calculated quickly. “That’s a lot!”

“Then why won’t it change the numbers?”

“Well… because… there are millions of acres of rainforests. And thousands being destroyed every day, maybe even tens of thousands. But besides,” I said quickly, before the enormity of what I was saying could sink in, “I don’t think that board really shows how many actual acres are left. I think it’s… just an estimation. A guess.”

She stared at me long and hard.

“If we need more money,” she said, “then we’ll do more lemonade stands. I can do one every day until the end of the summer.”

I closed my eyes and pressed my lips together, drawing a deep breath through my nose.

“Alison, sweetheart,” I said gently, “even if you do a lemonade stand every day for a year…” my voice trailed off, and I struggled to explain. “People donate millions of dollars to these organizations… they’re doing what they can… it’s not just the money, these are government policies, and people’s livelihoods, and… baby, it’s just… it’s very complicated adult stuff.”

She looked away, her jaw set and her eyes brimming with tears. For a long moment, she didn’t speak at all. It felt as though I were watching her childhood crumble into dust around her.

Finally she met my eyes again.

“If it’s adult stuff, then why aren’t the adults doing anything?” she demanded, her voice strained. “I’m the one who’s going to have to grow up in a world without rainforests. Don’t you care?”

I stared at her feet, wanting desperately to disappear into the carpet. When Judy would ask me, Don’t you care? I would just roll my eyes and whine to Max about how obnoxious and emotionally manipulative these hippies were. Judy and I grew up playfully scoffing at everything the other did; it was how we established our autonomy and our place in the family. But Alison’s question cut through me, cut through the irritation and the exasperation and the denial, and opened up a chasm of shame and guilt.

Maybe they’re right. Maybe I don’t care. Maybe I’m going to be leaving a trashed, barren, and broken planet for my kids and I’m too afraid of that to even think about it, too afraid of the abject powerlessness and hopelessness I would feel if I were to face it, and here is my little girl standing here asking me why I am doing nothing.

“You told me I could do something,” Alison choked, tears splashing down her face. “You said you’d help me save the rainforests.”

“Baby,” I said in a small voice, “I didn’t say—”

“Why did you tell me you’d help me if I can’t? I can’t save the rainforests. Even you can’t save them. Why didn’t you just tell me that?”

“Honey, listen to me,” I pleaded, crouching to her eye level and placing a hand on her shoulder. I took a deep breath and looked into her eyes. “You’re right, no one person can save the rainforests. It’s something a lot of people all have to do together. We can’t make everybody else do what we want, but we can do our part and encourage others to do theirs, and hope that our efforts will all come together to make a difference. Do you understand what I’m saying?”

She just gave me that deep, piercing look, and it made me wither inside.

“You lied to me,” she whispered, and then bolted past me and up the stairs.

I sank into a nearby armchair, held my head in my hands, and wept.




Six summers later, Alison sat at the breakfast bar, munching on Cheerios and holding a book open with her elbow.

“Honey, please don’t read at the table,” I said, stirring some milk into my coffee. She looked up and glared at me through her heavy black eyeliner, but she closed the book and slid it away from her bowl.

“Mom?” she asked, swallowing a bite of cereal.


“Are the rainforests still around?”

I turned to her, startled. She hadn’t said a word about the rainforests since that day in ‘94. She was watching me, her expression unreadable, and though she was now a thirteen-year-old sporting a tight baby doll T-shirt, a messy high ponytail, and way too much eye makeup, the image of that little girl with the pigtail braids staring up at me in despair and anger flashed vividly before my eyes.

“I… I think they are,” I stammered. “Yes, there are certainly still rainforests.”

“It’s the year 2000.”

I blinked, trying to figure out what that had to do anything.

“The video. At zoo camp. They said that the rainforests would all disappear by the year 2000.”

“Oh,” I said. “Well… maybe all that campaigning worked. Maybe they managed to stop people from cutting down so many trees. Maybe your $214 did something after all!”

“Or maybe,” Alison cut in, her voice sharp, “they were lying.”

She dove back into her cereal before I could get a look at her face.

“I don’t think they were lying,” I said slowly. “Maybe they miscalculated, or maybe something changed—”

She met my eyes again, and the look she gave me stopped me cold.

“The Moluccan cockatoo,” she said, “isn’t even from the Amazon, it’s from Indonesia. The video was filmed in the Amazon. I bet Barney wouldn’t have recognized those sounds, because the species of birds and monkeys in those places are different.”

I just watched her, clutching my coffee cup.

“Why,” she said quietly, “do adults lie about everything?”

She slid off the bar stool, grabbed her book, and huffed off.

I didn’t even try to call her back to clear her bowl.


“We got some tragic news. My niece, Raquel, took her own life yesterday morning. She had not been suffering depression that anyone knew of. She did have a headache the past week and said she didn’t feel like herself and just didn’t feel good. My sister, had stayed overnight at their house Sunday night because she was babysitting Lucas Monday. She found Raquel who was a beautiful person inside and out.”

From an email sent Tue 8/1/2010




She’s driven this far from Wisconsin across Minnesota almost to the Dakotas. There’s a smell that gathers here in the dampness of the furrows, the sweat of the Swede, the Flemish, the Norwegian, the broken soil. Dirt here chimes dry, not as rich as the black soil to the south in Iowa. The wind blows fiercer, fewer shade trees, more poplar and cottonwood, hackberry and shagbark hickory. She can drop the car off and walk into the bare trees and falling shadows. Freezing is painless. Peaceful. Seductive. Or she can drive home to Wisconsin, return to her husband and infant.




I know only the bare outlines of the story so I must imagine the young blonde woman at an interstate rest stop. Named for a film star, she was my best friend’s niece. Raquel leaves Friendly’s family restaurant, lingering in the electronic doorway, as if gathering herself, letting the electronic doors almost close on her. Walking into the FOOD, GAS, LODGING parking lot, she can’t remember how long she’d sat in the leathery booth staring at the two packets of Splenda sweetener beside her water glass. The yellow wrapper and the words America’s Favorite Sweetener held a message for her. The blue print seemed to loosen, the letters floating freely and reordering themselves into new words and shapes. Toll-free became tree lol the “f” vanishing. Most of her meal still lies on the Formica table beside the menu. Ice tea sips its dreaming pale lemon. Sweet potato fries drink from a pool of ketchup. Her appetite like the “f” on the Splenda packet has vanished. She’s lost ten pounds since having the baby and Edwin says she needs to gain them back.




Was it just before noon she’d left home in her Honda and headed west? Now almost dusk, she finds herself midway. Her car waits to take her farther west into the prairie, and although she stares at the keys (and Splenda wrapper) in her hand she’s unsure which is hers, the shellacked red or the bruised wormy apple vehicle. Tree-free. Her husband has left message after message on her voice mail. The baby’s missing her. I must not think of the baby as ‘my’ baby.




Walking through the parking lot, her silky hair (the color of winter corn) looped in an unwashed ponytail swings through the back of her baseball cap. Petite, slender. Her fine skin, a sugar snow falling in the night, her oval face that of a high school homecoming queen. She will never mention the champagne-colored chiffon or the crown placed on her head by the captain of the football team. Neither will she speak of the St. Paul Farmers State Bank calendar that featured her as Miss April and Miss December. College dresses  her in a American Studies degree, and she shivers entering the working world wearing nothing. Her first job—party planner, her second, volunteer fireman. She meets Edwin, a farmer and roofer, and learns how to plant and harvest a garden.




In toeless clogs, her feet seem not to mind the February weather. She stumbles, twisting her ankle.




Edwin, Wisconsin-born and bred, thinks he’s been blessed by the Lutheran divinity. Himself a light-haired man of average looks, he’d married Raquel, a Norwegian beauty. How could he know it was the fierce Norse god, Odom, who sanctified their bond—thunderous God of blood and violent death? He and his six-month-old son, Lucas, are waiting supper on her—turkey meatloaf and beet salad from the Red Owl deli. Hadn’t she mentioned driving to her sister’s in Minnesota? “I’ve left the baby’s formula bottles in the refrigerator.” He tries her cell phone again although the ringer must be off.




Outside, the day moves; inside the car, it stops. She turns the ignition, shifts into reverse, doors locking her inside. It’s better today, even if the sky is shapeless and thick. The last of the light drifts like snow birds weary of the same circle. Raquel pictures bathing her infant; setting him into the shallow warm water of the baby bath on a blue towel, his feet crinkly-pink and his toes trying to talk. The dusking sun watches her drive, east, homeward. Another voicemail: the baby crying in the foreground. Her fault, her fault. She’s turned off the interstate—Minneapolis-St. Paul, the twin cities where she grew up, falling behind her. Rustic Wisconsin welcomes her. Welcome to folks who know your face and to places where there are no strangers.




Her tongue feels long, too pink, and rough like a cat’s licking at the cracked corner of her lips. What would her mother say if she had kept driving, if America’s Sweetheart simply disappeared, and left her baby behind? What would Edwin think? She pictures the first night they made love. Edwin puts his arms around her and walks her to the edge of the bed. His nose presses her lavender tank top, and then he unpeels it, lifting her arms light as bird bones. She tells him he is the golden nectar, his sex better than white cake and marmalade. She parts his lips with her tongue, washing his body with her cat’s tongue.


“She loved life and was so happy. She leaves behind her wonderful husband, and her adorable 1 year-old son, Lucas. Raquel absolutely loved being a mom. She was loved by everyone who knew her.”

                From an email sent Tue 8/1/2010




It’s the story of an extended religious family, a loyal loving Midwestern one that saw the darkness through doilies, baby showers, and church recipe books. A world where good triumphs over bad, where family means shelter, and God answers prayer. It’s a family that can’t imagine a new mother not trusting herself around her newborn, a mother afraid she might hurt her child. A mother not aglow in her infant love-bubble, but one immersed in blackness. Raquel’s returning home, perhaps having made up her mind. A world where if you keep a stiff upper lip or confess, everything will work out.




The last time I saw Raquel she was standing beside her aunt’s (and my friend’s) hospital bed, not exactly beside, but a few steps back as if hesitant or shy about being fully present. Raquel’s mother Joanne was there, too. My friend, the jokester, teasingly asked personal prying questions. Are you dating someone this time that smells normal, not like lighter fluid? Is that why you dumped that other guy? Do you think you’ll have kids? Raquel answered her aunt in a soft voice, winsome, uncertain. Then, leaning over my friend, and after she’d cut a slice of pizza into many small pieces, she fed each one to her, stopping to lift the cold Coke and bendy straw to her lips. You’ll be a good mother, my friend said. Joanne agreed. I can’t wait to be a grandmother.




Raquel had just met the man who would be her husband.




Raquel bought a white chocolate blueberry cake, her sister Sofia’s favorite dessert, and French macrons, for Jerry, her brother-in-law. Once, she might have picked almond cake with orange-flower water syrup for herself but now it makes her think of white cockroaches, the whiskery albino one that Edwin mentioned stepping on–the one making love to a crumb. Yes, earlier she’d almost stopped at Sofia’s house in Stillwater to deliver the sweets and say goodbye. Her sister and husband would be flying to Florida for an island cruise. But she couldn’t stop. They kept the furnace turned up too high and the heat settling into the living room smelled of rotting minnows. Raquel usually wanted to unzip her skin. The last time she visited a few of Jerry’s buddies had dropped in and he made jokes about last Thanksgiving when the sisters had hosted the dinner feast. The eggnogs we toasted were the best part. You should have seen the Thanksgiving meal Sofia and Raquel cooked. We had to give most of it to the dogs. They forgot to take the gizzards out, but it didn’t matter because the turkey was still frozen when they brought it out to the table! Jerry slapped his knee, regaling his guffawing buddies. How about the time Raquel made the soufflé with a sponge inside it? Those little yellow crumbs she said were egg yolk. Sofia had laughed so hard she choked.




Seeing the familiar signs, Raquel fears something irrevocable is about to happen when she reaches her destination, she’ll commit an act that will sing down through generations. She blocks Edwin’s face, an unpronounceable grief in his eyes. The red car stops at the light near the Eau Claire Holiday Inn where she first met her husband. His friends call him Ed (handsome Ed) but she likes the lost-in-time sound of Edwin. They’re slow dancing to “Red Roses for a Blue Lady.” An oldies tune. He bends to kiss her earlobe, his lips moving to the bottom of her neck. Your voice smells like fresh cut grass, he says. He stands a head taller than Raquel, his fingers are long and she asks if he plays the guitar. Laughingly, he tells her he’s a roofer, that he has his own shake shingle business, with each shingle having to be individually and gently placed, and then nailed twice. He loves fragrant woods—cypress and redwood and cedar—he loves the weight of nails in his pocket. He owns an acreage; he raises a few chickens, too. Like Raquel, his Scandinavian ancestry shows in his hair, even lighter than hers, and his eyes. His incisors protrude slightly, and give his mouth a rabbity look that she finds endearing. Unlike her he’s not Norwegian but Swedish.




She loves Hemingway’s novels and she’s read of his death, how he pulled the trigger with his toe. Later Edwin hates how he had taught her how to use the shotgun. How to handle it, when she asked him to show her, needing, wanting to know in case he were ever not home and she had to defend herself and the baby. Pointing out the acreage’s being off the beaten track. Isolated. Later, he buries the shotgun. Wishing he had buried it in the river in the first place.




She may have gone on the internet and asked the question: “How do you shoot yourself with a shotgun?” Thief River Falls. Black River Falls. They called this New Scandinavia, Minnesota and Wisconsin, they spoke their language for generations, and they churned sweet cream butter. I would think the soft palate roof of the mouth; bullet passes through easily into the brain. They honeymoon in the famous Texas hill country where rivers flow in an emerald current between white tablet rocks. As the road twists down, waterfalls feed secluded pools. Rock slabs float in the middle of the green. She loves how there’s no bridge, only a slab of rock covered with moss. The water is fast-moving but not deep. You can see tire tracks in the algae. Raquel loves Grimm’s Fairy Tales. Here is where Thumbelina could boat across on a tulip leaf and oar with two white horse hairs. They drive east into Louisiana’s swamp country. She writes to tell her older sister Sofia, who looks so unlike Raquel, that few believe they are siblings, that she fought a gar fish out of the water.




They celebrate their anniversary at the same Holiday Inn— Raquel pregnant, the pool shimmering in the sun. She knows it has sprouted, the seedling in the soil of her belly, as she slips off her thong, taking hold of him, his arms, as if he’s the ladder that lowers her into the deep dazzling water. Her belly kicks, almost as if the thrust is meant to push him away. Her hands let go, the rung isn’t there, and she slides into the blue eye of the peacock’s plumage. Edwin lunges into the water. He swims her in. She floats, the water warm, slippery like jelly, melting too.  Edwin, listen, she tells him, breathlessly, after the baby’s born I’ll plant wild blue lupine flowers and milkweed next to the house. The Karner blue butterfly will come. She describes the luminous and silvery dark-blue of the males, and then the females, purple-blue with orange crescent edges. The arrival of the blue butterflies will celebrate their son’s birth. Did you know the author of Lolita wasn’t just a writer but also a butterfly collector, and was the one who first identified them? Nothing under heaven or earth would the Karner blue butterfly eat other than wild blue lupine flowers. He’s listening but drifting as she talks on (in her lulling, almost singsong voice) describing the seven-spotted beetle, the evil predator of larval blue butterfly eggs. Only the blue lupine feeds the larvae, not wild lily of the valley, not starflower or sweet fern. Is that boring? she asks.




Edwin has shown no one the letter Raquel left him, a letter explaining her unworthiness, telling him how she wasn’t herself, how something murky and dim had gotten inside her. She told him when her water broke, something popped in her brain. She’d come uncorked. The amniotic fluid—her champagne had lost its bubble. For months after giving birth, each time she peed something kept dripping out of her, hitting the water softly. Her body kept making her give birth again and again. And now  the thing inside her was directing her.




He would never fly with her toNorway where they’d taste seagull eggs and elk and reindeer roast. Elk they say is dry and wild. The smaller reindeer much sweeter. Cloudberries for dessert—arctic gold, silvery-yellow, apple-tart.




There are gifts everywhere in the living room where family and friends gather. Raquel’s mother and aunt host the shower. Deep powder-blue carpet comforts her feet fat from pregnancy. Sinking into a Queen Anne chair she watches the sheer lavender curtains lifting and billowing in the breeze. A three-tiered white cake with layers of strawberries and real cream invites everyone for a finger swipe. It’s a Boy. Raquel wears a paper hat with all the gift bows and ribbons taped to its brim. Blue stationery Thank You’s for the sail boat, the flannel sleepers, the footsie pajamas, the crystal picture frames, the crib, the stroller, the swing-set, the Three Bears bathtub. Nine months of pregnancy and how happy she’s been. A boy, inside her belly, the motion of his kicking, his swimming, comforts her. She’s safe with him there like the blue butterfly finding the wild blue lupine flower.




A blacktop two-lane takes her to the acreage; the new ranch house with the cedar-shingled roof stands out, and she’s always preferred the two-lane life to the six-lane. Edwin meets her in the driveway with their son in his arms. The baby’s blue eyes appear so bright they could have been painted in. A perfect boy with blond curls. We missed you, honey, he says, not asking where she was. My sister called, Red Owl has a sale on chicken cutlets. Do you want her to pick you up some?




Raspberry mouth on her nipple, the baby’s lips take hold; his tiny hands toss as though rabbit paws. Bending close, she is counting her baby’s eyelashes. Raquel has freshly bathed herself and her baby. The lamp light is shining on five-month-old Lucas, his lungs had been preparing to breathe the world, sensing the touch of her palm, his heart already beating. Now the heartbeat has its own life and no longer needs her. How easy it would be to save him.  Kneeling on the deep-soft comfort blanket to change the baby’s Pamper, (a dessert of a blanket, chocolate mousse and whipped cream) she silently calls (beseeches) God to make her a better mother. The picture window lets in more sun, and then a ladybug drops onto the blanket. She’s always loved these insects, their freckled red shell and feelers. The soft blanket must be a sea of quicksand for the ladybug, now frantic, peddling with all of her legs, and getting nowhere. The ladybug is drowning until she rescues it. The baby’s blue eyes widen, they sparkle. How easy it would be to lift the cuddly blanket and fold it over his face.




She reads Being Ernest: John Walsh unravels the mystery behind Hemingway’s suicide. “I am eating blue food to try to get rid of the blackness,” she tells Ernest. “Blueberries, blue cheese, blue plums. Do you think it will do any good?” Do they really know nothing of the estrogen and progesterone faucet that pregnancy turns on, then off? In the blackness of post-partum depression she’s haunted by gar fish in the warm green water. In fragments of sleep she breathes on her wrist and the gold bracelet with three engraved hearts (Edwin, Raquel, Lucas) breaks.


“Edwin finally told Lucas that his mom was in Heaven. Lucas started making up stories because no one was allowed to tell him that his mom died (or that he even had a mom). I don’t know what he knows other than that. Yes, Lucas looks like his mom and fortunately has her personality!”

From an email




On the last night of her life Raquel’s face has the look of calm as she lifts the sheet and slides into the bed, after all the months of sleeplessness, the night with its hinges and bearings, its wrenches tapping on the radiator of her brain. The night before she had not yet made up her mind, and ploughed her scalp with her fingers, pulling out her own hair. This night, the night she’s made up her mind, she thinks of breeze and a picnic table with a checkered red and white tablecloth. Mama, who made the sky? Who made the blue? When it rains, is God weeping? Then she’s running barefoot on a summer night through the dew-drenched long grasses, her skin drinking in the cool, her eyes chasing the moths clouding the yard light. She and Sofia roasting marshmallows playing statue and the fireflies have come out, winking into the dark, brave little bringers of light, preyed upon by mosquitoes. Tomorrow her mother comes to baby-sit, she’s told her that she is helping her friend Bev empty the clutter from her closets, her friend who lives in Madison. The baby will be better off after tomorrow. Not ready, not able, has no words, not yet. He would be miserable, hate her, and if he knew her unworthiness, he would have to bite down on the word mother.




Online, she clicks Girls with Shotguns; clicks 10 Rules for Women Getting the Right Fit and Mount. Doesn’t need to know about finding her dominant eye or stock height, or whether a 12-bore holds more pellets than a 20-bore, or how the gun’s kick will affect her.No one found the letter, her letter, which (or is it that) I imagine just as I picture the letter that Edwin writes on the ceiling of his bedroom, since he’s moved into the spare room where he keeps his tools, the room that smells of cypress shingles. He can’t sleep in the bed that she shared with him, the writing was worse there, over and over the words unspoken to the living, spoken now to the ceiling, his finger scripting the words. Our son is now my son. I erase your name that bleeds across his birth certificate by the word. Mother. I’m making myself forget the meadow of your skin and lips, your gentleness. I forget my hand and how it would sink into your softness, (a hand does not sink). Raquel, you weren’t ligament and muscle but the dough of almonds, the nectarine, and the blushing violets. The pure black of your death makes it hell to think of you. His finger stops. I put those words into his mind. What he writes over and over and over. I loved you. Now you are dead to me.




He’s on the roof of the house nailing shingles when the call comes. Do they tell him on the phone? Raquel’s youngish mother, a pretty woman divorced from Raquel’s father, breathes, almost panting with the news there’s been a terrible accident. Now she’s wheezing, and suddenly stops gulping air. “What’s wrong? Is it the baby?” The mother shaking can hardly hold the flip-phone to her ear. The butterfly spots, silvery dark blue spots, scattered black spots circle in blood. Her head. Her beautiful head. Someone has shot Raquel, the shotgun, next to her, against her. Why? Why? Raquel had been planning on planting wild lupine and milkweed next to the house. The paper wasp and ant strike terrible blows.


“My sister, Raquel’s mom, is doing well. She goes to visit her grandson about every 3 weeks. It’s only an hour’s drive for her. She picks him up and takes him to a movie or to parks to play and then out to eat. He’s now in kindergarten. He is the happiest, adorable 5-year old. He always has a big smile. His dad isn’t very nice to my sister. He just wishes she’d go away. I think it’s a reminder of Raquel. He never lets her take him to her house for a weekend.”

                From an email




He finds the letter (the one I’ve pictured) before they do, in the medicine cabinet taped to his shaving cream.

Edwin: I love you and I love our son. It’s me I can’t stomach. Mom just got here and everything is black or turning filthy gray. If I could I’d vomit the bad colors, fling the puke into the toilet, and wash my hands. Minutes ago this happened to the toast and strawberry jam and green banana she insisted I eat. I gag again and throw up until my vomit runs clear. I rest my head on the rim of the toilet. Mom knocks. “Hey, kid, don’t you feel well?” Oh, Edwin, my thoughts have begun to talk in voices. A hard thing I have to do, but I have to for us, for our family.




The family wants everyone to know that Raquel was a loving mother. That she adored her son. That the newborn did not terrify her and being a mother hadn’t crushed her with its weight. Some elemental hormone had been added or subtracted from her body, causing the blackness she didn’t understand, the emptiness she was ashamed of.




Edwin dreams of Raquel pregnant and the Holiday Inn pool shimmering. She rolls onto her back, her hair streaming hyacinth. “A pregnant mermaid,” he says, her eyes that can spot perch in calm green water, beckoning his. They see every quiver. Raquel so beautiful, but now she frightens him. He’s afraid to breathe the air’s heaviness—frangipani, myrrh, the death of lotus blossoms that drift on the water. Come lie in the thorns with me, come with me to eat thistle. He still wakes in the night panting, sweating even as a cobweb of ice crawls over his skin, the cold cobweb creeping into his mouth so his insides shiver. Even a photograph of Raquel smiling causes the gray cobweb to start crawling. His mother hears him call out and softly knocks. In her arms she rocks his son. I make myself not think of you, pictures I’ve taken down and given to your mother, all your clothes, your books, I’ve disposed of. You would not know a wife or a woman ever lived here.




 What about Raquel wearing a velvet stovepipe hat and smiling with her mouth and her aquamarine eyes, the girl clutching and kissing her dog, a lack and white mongrel named Soulman? Who will think  of that girl? Her elegant signature. Who will remember to remember her?




It’s better to leave the story suspended for now, the tragedy of self-slaughter an unfinished work.


* * *




On Saturday morning, I sit in bed and scroll through my phone and try to remember when, exactly, weekends became something to be endured. I text Madeline to ask if she and her girlfriend, Lauren, are going to Alice’s birthday party. Madeline is the one friend I have who does not require a week’s notice to make plans. The rest are married, with an assortment of children. 

I toss the phone on the bed and consider my options. I could trim my beard. I could scramble eggs. I could research memory foam pillows to replace the sad sack pillow I currently own. Instead, I pick up my phone and go to my ex-wife’s Facebook page. My ex-wife and I are no longer friends on Facebook—all I can see is her profile picture, which has not changed in several months. In the picture, she sits in an Adirondack chair, grinning, wearing a dress I don’t recognize. The dress is blue and looks a lot like a nightgown. I look at the picture and wonder, as I always do, when my ex-wife started to wear dresses that look like nightgowns. I wonder if her life now, six months after our divorce, more closely resembles the one she wanted. 

My phone buzzes. 

Lauren’s sick, Madeline says. But I’ll go if you go.


At Alice’s birthday party, Madeline pulls a beer from a cooler mixed with juice boxes and hands it to me. “I did the math, Sam,” she says. “By the time Alice is fifty, I’ll be dead.”

Alice is three. She is dressed as a hotdog, though it is not a costume party, and waving an orange popsicle. From the deck, we watch as she drops the popsicle on the lawn, picks it up, and sticks it in her mouth. “Where’s Nicholas?” I ask. Nicholas is Alice’s father. He, Madeline, and I shared a house on Calvert Street a decade ago, in our twenties. Madeline refers to them as the Ball Sack Years. 

“Hiding,” Madeline says.

“He said there would be other childless people. And he promised a moon bounce.” 

“Well,” Madeline says, “Nicholas a liar.”

Seven or eight children wander around the backyard like drunks, weaving through the sprinkler, crashing into stationary objects. A handful of parents gathers around the kiddie pool, casually vigilant. One of them is a red-haired woman in a gray shirt tucked into slim black shorts. She pulls a bottle of sunscreen from a bag and slathers it onto the arms of a small red-haired girl. “Should we go talk to them?” I ask.

The small red-haired girl lets out a long, piercing scream. 

“No,” Madeline says.


Nicholas appears with a store-bought vegetable tray and sets it on the table next to the cooler. “Good,” he says, “you found the alcohol.” He opens a beer. I met Nicholas at a party when we were twenty-six, after I overheard him tell a girl that he was deeply interested in ancient civilizations. I have come to learn that women find Nicholas appealing, regardless of what he is deeply interested in. 

The red-haired woman walks up to the side of the deck. “Is there another one of those?” 

Nicholas fishes a beer from the cooler, twists the cap off, and hands it to her. 

“Who’s that?” I ask, after she goes back to the kiddie pool. 

“Kate Holiday,” Nicholas says. “Her niece is in daycare with Alice.”

“That’s not her kid?” I ask.

“No,” Nicholas says. “Why?” 

“Sam likes redheads,” Madeline says. “Even though they make him miserable.”

I finish my beer and open another. “I’m not always miserable.” 

“Remember the time I came over,” she says, “and you were eating yogurt with a fork?”

“I was out of clean spoons.”

“You were unkempt.” Madeline raises her beer, in a toast. “Less so now.”


Alice climbs onto the deck. Her hotdog costume is a red tube with a yellow strip of felt down the center. She runs past her father and wraps her arms around Madeline’s legs. “I don’t get it,” Nicholas says. “Kids love you.” 

Madeline crouches to Alice’s height. “What do you have there?”

Alice holds up a plastic cow. “A dinosaur.” 

Nicholas shrugs. “She’s into dinosaurs.”

“What’s your favorite dinosaur?” Madeline says.

“T-Rex,” Alice says. “But his little arms make me sad.” 

“Honey,” Nicholas’s wife calls from the lawn. “Could you bring out the cake?”

Nicholas’s wife is wearing an off-white dress with a leather belt knotted at her waist; she gives the impression of someone who rode horses as a child. She has excellent posture and, the first time I met her, seemed either very shy or mildly disdainful. The second time I met her, she told a long, filthy joke about a priest and a prostitute and Darth Vader, and I started to understand her appeal. 

“The birthday cake?” Nicholas says.

“Yes, the birthday cake,” she says. “For our daughter’s birthday.”

“Where is it?” 

“It’s an ice cream cake. I’ll give you three guesses.” 

Nicholas takes a sip of beer. “Should I do the candles?”

Nicholas’s wife gives a big, dazzling smile. “How about you find a big box of matches,” she says, “and ask our three-year-old to light the candles?”

Madeline and I exchange the look we reserve for when other people’s relationships seem unenviable. Nicholas finishes the beer, tosses it into the recycling bin, and goes into the house. Alice sets the plastic cow on the deck and covers it with a paper napkin. “Be quiet,” she says. “The dinosaur is sleeping.”


Nicholas produces an ice cream cake without candles. We sing and eat the cake and the children run in literal circles around the backyard. Someone gives them water guns, and someone else wonders aloud if water guns promote gun culture. Madeline opens two beers and gives one to me. “If I drink too much and make a scene, maybe Nicholas will ask me to leave.” 

“Do you want to leave?” I ask.

“No,” she says. “I want to complain.” 

We look at the adults on the lawn and play the game we sometimes play, where we try to guess the last time each of them had sex. “Your problem,” Madeline says, “is you think only good-looking people have sex.”

Content-looking people,” I say. 

“That’s ridiculous,” she says. “Sex has nothing to do with being content.” 

“Interesting,” I say. “You and Lauren seem content.” 

I had dinner at their place the week before last: Lauren roasted a chicken, and the three of us split 2.5 bottles of wine. We talked about how Madeline’s work nemesis talked incessantly about toxins, and how Lauren was much better at smoking pot than Madeline, and how I should find a woman on the Internet because that was the whole point of the Internet, and because I still had a full head of hair. At the end of the night, they walked me to the front door, and Lauren hooked a finger through the pocket of Madeline’s jeans in a way that made me realize, acutely, that I would be going home to an empty apartment.

Madeline picks at the label on her beer. 

“You’re not content?” I say. 

She shrugs. “It’s like a video game. I thought when I met Lauren I had won the game. But then it kept going.” Her phone chimes and she looks at the screen. “Sometimes it’s hard,” she says. “And sometimes it’s boring.” She puts the phone to her ear, opens the door to the house, and closes it behind her. 


I stand there, alone, and look at the yard. Nicholas sits on the lawn, arm extended, as Alice slides colorful plastic bracelets over his hand. Nicholas’s wife joins them, settling on the grass in spite of her off-white dress. She leans over and kisses Nicholas on the cheek. I watch them for about thirty seconds before I start to think about the phone in my pocket and how, if I wanted to, I could look at it. That’s when the red-haired woman climbs onto deck. Kate Holiday.

She smiles. “You look confused.” She opens the cooler, sifts through the contents.

“Oh,” I say. “I am sometimes.”

“All the beer’s gone.” She looks at me. Her cheeks are flushed.

“Do you want a juice box?” I say.

“Tempting,” she says. 

I hold out my beer. “Do you want mine?”

To my surprise, she steps forward, pulls the bottle from my hand, and takes a sip. It occurs to me, distantly, that my heart is pounding. I wonder if there is a medical term for when that happens. I wonder if there is a medical term specific to when it is induced by another person.

“Your beer’s warm,” she says. 

“Yup,” I say. 

She grins and sets the half-empty bottle on the railing. I pick it up and we stand there, leaning against the railing. There is a breeze in the air. The sun drops behind a passing cloud and reemerges. The color of the grass shifts from a dark green to a lighter one. 

Somewhere in the backyard a kid starts crying—the small red-haired girl. “Oh dear,” Kate says. I watch as she walks down the steps to the lawn. When she reaches the grass, I pull out my phone, tap on Facebook, and search for Kate Holiday. I find her profile, which is only semi-private, and scroll through her seventeen pictures. Kate next to a cardboard cutout of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. Kate in sunglasses, holding a coconut drink in one hand, a champagne glass in the other. Kate swinging in a hammock, laughing, the right side of her face hidden behind a white paper fan. 

I look up and see her on the lawn, a plastic wand poised at her mouth, blowing soap bubbles. She tilts her head, watching the bubbles float above the kiddie pool, brushes a strand of hair from her cheek, and hands the wand to the small red-haired girl. It would be so easy, I think, to join her there. To ask for her phone number. 

I imagine sitting beside her at a low-lit bar, drinking a second glass of bourbon, sharing a tiny, seven-dollar dish of olives. I imagine her swiveling on the bar stool, rolling an olive between her fingers, popping it in her mouth. I imagine a series of dates: different bars, different drinks, a slow and steady reveal of our imperfections. 

I look back at my phone and tap on her list of friends. I pause. I draw the phone closer to my face. Kate Holiday has a friend who looks a lot like my ex-wife.

It is my ex-wife, I realize. She changed her profile picture. 

In the new picture, my ex-wife stands in front of a brick wall painted bright green. She wears a blue t-shirt she bought years ago, from a truck that sold t-shirts and live goldfish in tiny plastic bowls. Her smile is big, her hair unruly. Snaked around her waist is a man’s arm. It is impossible to tell who the arm belongs to, because he is cropped out of the picture. It could, conceivably, belong to no one of significance. It could belong to my ex-wife’s brother, even though he lives in Lansing, Michigan and has not spoken to her in three years.

The phone, suddenly, feels hot and slick in my hand. It occurs to me that my wife is not my wife anymore, for a variety of tangible and less tangible reasons. She will never be my wife again. It occurs to me that I am thirty-seven years old and drunk at a child’s birthday party. There is a neat, searing pain in my right temple. 

Madeline returns to the deck. “You look like you’re about to throw up,” she says.

I finish my beer. “I have a headache.” 

She reaches over and presses a finger to my forearm. The imprint turns pink. “You’re burning,” she says. 


The house is cool and dark, the curtains drawn, the central air humming. The kitchen counter is littered with juice boxes and plates smeared with melted ice cream, the dining room carpet strewn with towels and alphabet puzzle pieces. I follow Madeline into the bathroom and watch as she pulls different bottles from the medicine cabinet. “There’s no headache stuff.” She closes the cabinet and brushes past me. “I’ll check upstairs.” 

I go to the living room and sink into the couch. I look at my reflection in the television. I look like somebody’s sad, drunk uncle.

Alice walks into the room, holding an assortment of jumbled towels. Her hotdog costume is bedraggled, the strip of yellow felt trailing behind her. She approaches the couch, takes the beer bottle, sets it on the floor. “Lie down,” she says. I stretch across the couch. “No.” She points to the carpet.

“Down there?” I say. 

“On the floor,” Alice says, solemnly.

The carpet is plush. I lie on my back. “Close your eyes,” she says, and I close them. “You’re sleeping,” she says. She puts her hand on my forehead, and then covers my face with a damp towel. At first, I wonder why the towel is damp. At first, I make a list of all the liquids it might be damp with. But the cloth is cool, and it smells like laundry detergent, and it feels pleasant, like a spa treatment. Alice covers my chest with a towel. She covers my legs with a towel, my feet. “Goodnight,” she says. I listen to her pad away on the carpet, into the kitchen. I listen to the back door open and close. I listen to the sound of my breaths, in and out.  

City of Strays

It is after dark, and I’m waiting for Martin to return. He’s out jogging, his nightly ritual, though he’s been gone longer than usual. I’m seated cross-legged on the couch checking email on my laptop and, behind me, I hear the rain against the glass. I glance up to my left and see the top of the Space Needle glowing through a low-hanging cloud. An expensive view, but I’m an expensive lawyer. When I moved to Seattle a year ago, recruited by a law firm impressed with my track record litigating software patents, I made sure that I found an apartment with this view. 

When I was growing up in Indianapolis, my father, an office furniture salesman, would bring me pens from the cities he visited. Floaty pens. A San Francisco panorama with a trolley car that rolled back and forth. The Space Needle with an elevator that went up and down. I spent hours on the floor of my room, slowly twirling the Space Needle, making the elevator rise and fall, imaging myself in it. It became my lucky pen, the one I used for my diary, then exams, then my college application. The pen that got me out of Indianapolis.  

Now, I watch from my living room one of these elevators ascending without my assistance. I think about how far I’ve traveled, first the job in New York, then DC, San Francisco, and now here, a circumnavigate career. Each stop at a better firm, a higher salary. I wonder if this will be my final stop, or if this Space Needle is just a lighthouse I will pass on my way to somewhere else

I glance up when Martin enters the apartment, dripping on the carpet. He’s out of breath and clutching what looks like a soaked-through scarf.

“What took you so long?” I ask. Then the scarf opens its yellow eyes and looks at me. 

I follow Martin into the bathroom. He swaddles the cat on his lap in a towel I bought him as a birthday gift from Restoration Hardware. The cat is black with patches of white on its paws and patches of pink on its back and belly where fur used to be. Its left ear torn in two, partially healed over. No collar.

“Where did you find it?” I ask.

“It’s a she,” he says. “I found her on Queen Anne, by those stairs.”

“She could be feral.”

“If she was, she wouldn’t have let me carry her home.” Martin is tenderly drying her legs. The cat looks up at him with patient eyes. 

“She needs food,” he says. “Do you mind popping downstairs to the market?” 

“I could, but…” I hear my voice trail off. He looks up at me. “Martin, shouldn’t we just take her to the shelter?”

Martin stares at me the way a litigious client looks when I suggest arbitration. 

* * *

The next evening I come home to a cat reborn. The fur, combed out and shiny, covers much of the bare skin. She struts through our living room, tail erect, as if she has always lived here. 

Martin is seated on the floor as she circles him. “Isn’t she beautiful?” he asks.

I nod and watch the cat climb onto his lap, his arms surrounding her. I hover over the two of them like a mother figure. I feel my stomach clench.

“You realize that we’re going to have to pay a pet deposit,” I tell him. “Assuming this is long term.”

“We’ll pay it,” he says.

“What if she’s been chipped?” I ask. “She could be somebody’s cat.”

“I’m naming her Dido,” he says, then places his lips on her forehead and whispers something. I feel the urge to lean in. Instead, I retreat two steps to the kitchen and begin heating up some food. 

“Can you hear her purring?” he asks.

“Yes,” I say, though I hear only the microwave.

* * *

Martin is an instructor of ancient literature at the University of Washington. In his late thirties and still deep in student loans, he seems resigned to his fate. There is a novel somewhere on his computer that he claims is near completion, but I’m not optimistic. 

We have a relationship one might call modern. No marriage certificate. No kids. And, until recently, no pets. Living in a luxury high-rise in Belltown, with me covering the bills while he chips away at his liabilities. Martin carries his end in other ways. He is bookishly attractive in his black-rimmed glasses and untucked oxford shirts. He keeps the fridge stocked. He takes to the chores with a passion I find curious yet endearing. 

He gives me the room I need, not just in time and space. In San Francisco, I dated VCs who put on a show of independence but rarely ever spent a moment alone. Always in meetings, texting like teenage girls, biking every Saturday morning in spandex pelotons. Men raised by helicopter moms, offended if you aren’t there to praise their Mandarin, favorite a Tweet, offer up a hug. 

I was never much of a hugger. I have no problem with sex, but sex is transactional, temporary, and comes to a definite conclusion. Hugs are open-ended, which means someone must be the first to let go. Usually me.  

The fact that Martin and I have lasted a year is as close to happily ever after as I know. On my darker days I wonder if he’s in it for the money. But not once has he ever asked me to pay off his loans, and I interpret this as love.

* * *

A month later, I’m still trying, really trying, to coexist with our new roommate, one that leaves trails of litter across the carpet and sheds tufts of black fur that stick to my clothing like stains.

Martin speaks to her like she is a child. The way his voice rises makes my spine crawl, cooing silly nonsense about her being such a good girl, such a good little girl

At nights, when Martin is out jogging, she waits for him by the door. I could open a can of salmon and she wouldn’t look in my direction. After Martin returns, she follows him from room to room then waits patiently for him to settle on the couch, offering up his lap. 

I am now relegated to the other side of the couch as we watch TV. I first tried sitting close to Martin, but she growled at me, the same noise she made when the vet inserted the thermometer up her ass.

This used to be our ritual. My head on Martin’s lap, Martin’s hands massaging my hair. I would hold the remote control, and Martin would signal by touch the show he prefers. One tap for YES, two taps for NO. And a tender lap around my ear to signal the volume. 

Tonight, I try leaning over, to at least share this precious real estate. But as my head touches Martin’s right knee she hisses.

 “Fucking feline.” I straighten.

“You frightened her.”

“I frightened her? She’s the one with the claws, Martin.”

“She’s still traumatized,” he says. “Give it time.”

Dido stares at me with satisfied eyes and begins purring so loudly I have to turn up the volume.

* * *

“This cat is ruining my relationship,” I tell Jeremy, my paralegal and only close girlfriend. “I’m beginning to think this would be simpler if Martin was having an affair.”

“He is having an affair,” he says.

“What do you mean?”

Jeremy shakes his head. “The name he chose. Dido is the other woman.”

Martin now volunteers at the animal shelter in Ballard. He began going Thursday and Friday afternoons while I was at work. 

“Isn’t one rescued cat enough?” I ask when he tells me he has decided to volunteer on weekends too.

“There is so much need out there,” he says. 

“There is need everywhere,” I tell him. “You can’t rescue them all. What about your book?”

“I’m taking a break,” he says. “These cats. Just spending a few hours a day with them makes all the difference in their lives. You should join me.”

I tag along one Saturday. He leads me into the cat room, low-ceilinged with stainless steel cages along the walls, stacked three high, each containing expectant, pleading eyes. Some cats meow while others stare in silence. I feel like we are starring in some performance piece in the round. 

Martin puts me to work cleaning litter boxes and refilling water dishes. I yell out when one cat bites me as I’m reaching in for his dish.

Martin looks at my finger, blood beginning to bubble up through two pinpricks. “You’ll be fine.”

“Shouldn’t we tell someone?”

“If you say anything, Tom-Tom will be put back in quarantine.”

“Maybe he should be.”

Martin’s eyes narrow. “You stick a cat in quarantine and they’ll be alone for ten days. You have no idea what’s that like.”

 “I have some idea,” I say. “What it’s like to be sequestered.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?”

“Jesus, Martin, it’s a sunny Saturday afternoon, which is about as rare as a lunar eclipse in this city, and we’re in here shoveling litter.”

“I didn’t force you to come.”

“No. Of course not. But how else am I going to get your attention these days? Crawl into one of these cages?”

Martin shakes his head and turns back to Tom-Tom. An overweight vet tech enters wearing pink scrubs. She smiles at Martin and passes between us. He follows her into the next room.

I turn the other way, leave the shelter, and go for a long run along the waterfront. I can’t pretend to love these creatures, and I know Martin thinks I’m abnormal. This shelter visit another failed audition for a role I never wanted in the first place. Dido brought a part of him to life I didn’t know existed, a maternal quality. I would think it lovely if I had such a quality lurking within me. If I had, like him, been raised with little animals scurrying around the house.

The only animals in my house were three gerbils, given to my older brother and kept in the basement in a cracked aquarium. I named them Ariel, Cally, and Samantha, and I visited every morning and every day after school—until my brother, out of brotherly spite, moved them into his room and locked the door. I was so jealous of him for having little creatures to call his own that I pretended from then on that they didn’t exist. 

Perhaps if I had been properly raised with pets, I’d be different now, the way children soak up second languages. Either there was something I did not soak up, or it was never there to begin with. 

* * *

I text Martin from the office, inviting him to a romantic dinner. I suggest the new Italian place on Pike, but when he replies with an offer to cook, I feel as if I’ve won a summary judgment. 

We’ve endured two months of silent cohabitation, me working late during the week and Martin absent on weekends. Tonight will be different. 

I sneak out of work and arrive home to the smell of sautéed garlic. Martin is busy at the stove. I kiss him on the neck and pour a glass of wine.

I sit at the table and look out over the city, feeling a sense of relaxation I have not felt in months. Martin used to say that cooking calmed him, gave him a sense of accomplishment absent from the rest of his day. What calmed me was my participation—chopping vegetables, washing a dish or two. But these dinners ended when Dido arrived—baked brie and risotto replaced by rescued cats. 

Martin brings the plates and sits across from me. I raise a wine glass and wait for Martin to reciprocate, but he’s staring off at a corner of the room. 

“What’s wrong?” I ask. My eyes follow his, since I assume this has something to do with the cat. “Is it Dido?”

“No,” he says, then stands and stares at the ceiling like some petulant child, and I realize I’m going to have to squeeze it out of him. Men. The closer you get to the truth, the more tightly they cling to it.

“Martin, what’s the matter?”

“It’s hard to explain.”

“Patent law is hard to explain.”

“I’ve met someone,” he says. “At the shelter.”


“Tami. A vet tech.”

“Stop. Back up.” My mind reboots into lawyer. “You’re having an affair?”

“I’m sorry.”

“With Tami.”

“She lives in Snohomish. I’ve decided to move in with her.”

I’m trying to picture this woman. Pink scrubs.

“You mean the fat girl?” I ask.

“I knew you’d say that.” He walks to the closet and removes his luggage, already packed. Then he removes a cat carrier and opens the gate.

I want to slap the bastard. I want to push him off our seventeenth-floor balcony onto Western Avenue. 

He scoops up Dido.

“No,” I say.

“Excuse me?”

“No fucking way. Put the cat down.”

‘But you hate her.”

“I hate you.”

“I can’t just leave her here with you.”

“You can pick her up tomorrow,” I am standing. I grab the carrier away and throw it across the room. “Put her down, or help me God I’m going to start screaming.”

But I already am screaming. The cat has sprung from Martin’s arms and run under the television console, and he couldn’t get her out from under it even if I’d given him the chance. Martin fumbles with closing the door behind him. I lock the door and take a deep breath. 

I pick up the phone and instruct the front desk to change the lock. 

* * *

I’m on a conference call the following afternoon when my office door swings open. Martin’s face is burning. 

“How dare you,” he says.  “You don’t even like Dido.”

“You have no idea how I feel—just as I clearly had no idea what was going on in your twisted mind. I paid the cat fee, security deposit, food, vet bills. I have more legal right to that feline than you do.”

“I’ll take you to court.”

“Please. I’m the best lawyer you know. And I’m opposing counsel.”

I watch the words sink in. Martin exhales. His shoulders slump. He sits. He’s wearing a shirt I don’t recognize.

“Do you want me to beg? I will.”

“If you really loved Dido, you wouldn’t have left her.”

“I left you,” he says.

“In the eyes of the law, you left us both.”

Martin stands. “I’m going to get her back,” he says.

“Be my guest. I’m always up for a challenge.”

Later that night, I finish the leftovers of Martin’s meal with Dido perched at the far end of the table, back to me, staring at the door. 

“Sorry kiddo,” I tell her. “It’s just you and me now.”

* * *

Martin had identified six meows. 

The feed me meow. 

The good morning meow. 

The calling for other cats meow. 

The where have you been all day meow. 

The about to use the litter meow. 

The looking at seagulls meow. 

I never could tell them apart, but I’m quite certain that Dido is now using the full repertoire, all night long, every night. 

She sits at the foot of my bed and wails. The first night, I tried locking her out of the room, but she just stood outside the door and turned up the volume. Then clawed at the door. Then figured out how to open the door. 

I began using earplugs. That only spurred the little miscreant to position herself next to my head. 

One night, at three in the morning, nerves spent, I remove the carrier from the closet and I wave it at her. 

“You think I wouldn’t fucking do it?” 

She sits at the foot of my bed, expectantly. She knows I am bluffing. That or she is hoping for a way out.

I return the carrier to the closet and bury my head under a pillow. A few minutes later she is seated on my nightstand filling the room with one of six meows.

* * *

Jeremy hands me a coffee as I yawn into a fist. “Cat?”

“It’s like having an infant that won’t sleep the night.”

“And you still refuse to get rid of her?”

I wave him out of my office. Of all people, I know the value of a contract, and now I have nothing but this furry bargaining chip. 

“My friend Eddie has this little terror of a tabby,” says Jeremy later that day, during a break in a deposition. “Peed on their carpets. Clawed everything in sight. Then he hired Ron, and a week later—problem solved.”


“They call him the cat whisperer.”

“Have you met this whisperer?”

Jeremy shakes his head.

“What did this person do? Give the cat pills?”

“Eddie says Ron just talked to the cat, played with him. Like therapy.”

“I refuse to hire a cat shrink.”

“He saved their marriage.”

“It’s too late for that.”

“Plus, Eddie says he’s got an amazing ass. I’ve been dying to see it.”  

Martin took a major standard of living hit when he left me. Now he is living on the east side of Seattle in some generic apartment complex with a shitty walk score and a woman who can barely support herself. I remember her from the shelter. In her scrubs like some nurse. The way she passed between us in the cat room. If only I had spent more than one afternoon there, maybe I would have seen it coming. 

The next evening, I am sitting in my car in front of Martin’s apartment. The information Jeremy can unearth when I promise him a half day.

I watch Martin emerge from the apartment, alone, dressed for his run, right on schedule. He looks up at the mist, raises a hood, and starts. I follow in my car. 

He’s wearing the same jacket as the day I met him. It was raining then too, and I had beaten the movers by eighteen hours and was irritated to have so much empty time. I wandered the streets until I found a small park overlooking the sound. Tourists, umbrellas, selfies. I watched a ferry headed toward Bainbridge and wished I was on that boat because at least I’d be headed somewhere. 

I felt self-conscious so I took out my phone and pretended to be busy. I opened a dating app. My fingers scrolled through all the available men in my vicinity. The faces were new, but so much else felt sadly similar. Men who loved to travel, try new restaurants. Men who sailed, summited Rainier, hiked the PCT. Men who had children. Men who wanted children. Men who loved children.

I heard his voice, looked up. He was asking directions to the Sculpture Park, and I didn’t see him clearly at first because there were tears in my eyes.

He had just moved to Seattle and was looking for an apartment, living out of a hostel. And he laughed when I told him I did have an apartment but would probably be more comfortable in a hostel.

I treated him to a trip up the Space Needle. From there, I pointed out what I thought was my apartment, and I invited him to stay. For a week or two until he found a place of his own. 

I have stopped at a light, and I watch Martin getting away. I picture myself the star of a David Lynch film, the camera tight on my face, tense music. Do I accelerate and cut the runner off and yell at him in the middle of the street? Or do I accelerate and swerve into him? 

I turn the car around and park across the street from his apartment and close my eyes. And for a moment I am back at my own apartment, listening to the rain against the glass, waiting for Martin to return from his jog.

When he returns, pacing back and forth, his head steaming, glasses fogged, I lower the car window. This is my plan. I will call out to him and he will join me in the car and I will apologize. I will ask, beg, for him to return to me. 

But I am too late. The door closes behind him, and I watch shadows moving against the curtains. I get out of the car.

Then I notice the curtains moving, parting. A cat has slipped between the curtain and the window—gray with a white chest—and it studies me. All this time, I thought there was only Dido. 

I get back in my car.

Later that night, I am coming out of a dream when I hear breathing next to my face. I can see Martin’s face, the short nose and stubbled double chin and they way he stares at me. Those eyes dark and reflective, and I can see myself in them. He is talking, and I can’t hear him over the noise. I ask him to speak up but the noise is so loud, a scream.

I am the one screaming, Dido’s claw hooked into my left nostril. 

I grab at her collar and squeeze until she disengages. I toss her out of the bed and hear books falling. By the time I get the light on, the cat is limping across the living room floor, tail dragging. By the looks of the damage I had hurled her into my tower of unread books. The next morning, a Band-Aid on my nose,I tell Jeremy to make the call.

* * *

I answer the door. Jeremy is standing there, dressed for a date. 

“Is he here yet?”

I shake my head.

“Mind if I wait with you?”

“Sure, whatever.”

Jeremy looks around. “Where is the little Beelzebub?”

“Staring out the window. She took a crap on my pillow yesterday while I was at work. I believe that’s what they call passive aggressive.”

“That’s not passive aggressive,” he says. “That’s aggressive aggressive.”

I open a bottle of wine and pour out two glasses. The front desk calls to let me know Ron has arrived. 

“He’s on his way up,” I say, and Jeremy rushes into the bathroom to check his hair.

When I open the door, I see a man in jeans and flannel shirt carrying what looks like an old metal toolbox. He says nothing.

“Are you Ron?”

“I am.” He walks past me. 

Jeremy extends a hand. “I’m Jeremy. The person you spoke with. I was hoping I could watch. The session.”

“I work alone with my clients.”

“Clients?” I ask. 

“Where is she?” he asks. I point her out, now crouched on the back of my leather chair, watching us.

“What’s her name?”

 “Dido,” I say. “And, for the record, I didn’t give her that name. You think she blames me?”

Jeremy giggles, but Ron says nothing. He kneels down and opens his toolbox, which I realize is an old fly-fishing tackle box. He removes several pieces of bamboo and assembles them into a sort of fishing rod.

“Going fishing?” Jeremy asks.

“In a manner of speaking,” he says as he strings a small fake mouse, colored purple, to the end of the rod. Dido slowly approaches, tail in the air, and follows him into the bedroom.

“You think he needs an assistant?” Jeremy asks.

“If this doesn’t work out, you’ll be available.”

Jeremy follows me out onto the balcony, and we watch a container ship making its slow escape from the harbor. 

“You need to take a cruise,” Jeremy says. “Get your mind off things.”

“Too many people.”

“Must be weird to be alone again.”

“I’m not alone. That’s the problem.”

Ron emerges from the room. Dido follows a few steps behind, her tail curling upward like smoke. 

“So?” I ask.

“Dido is full of rage.”

“No shit.”

“I’ll need two more sessions.”

We watch him return his toy to the toolbox. I try rolling my eyes at Jeremy, but he is too focused on the man’s backside. And I must admit the man is built like a lumberjack. He starts for the door.

“Wait,” I say. “Is that it?”

He gives me a blank look. “For now.”

“What all did you do with her in there?”

“We played.”

“You played. And how much do I owe you for this playtime?”


“That wasn’t even an hour.”

“I explained everything to your assistant.”

“I’m sure you did. I just assumed I was paying for more than cat R&R. I mean, for this kind of money I’d expect more out of this cat than a better mood. Like the ability to open her can of food. Do her own litter.”

“Speaking of that, it needs cleaning,” he says. “I’ll see you Monday.”

The door slams shut before I can respond.

“Can you believe that? The nerve of that man.”

“He is so hot,” Jeremy says. “I have to get a cat.”

* * *

I am seated cross-legged on the couch, laptop balanced on top. I feel movement and look over to see Dido sitting on Martin’s cushion. 

This is a first. Dido has never shared the couch with me. Could this be progress?

I tentatively reach over to pet her. I try to do it the way Martin did, not from in front of her face but from behind, gentle. My hand rests on her head, and I find myself smiling. I feel I have passed a test, made some sort of breakthrough, and I suddenly want to thank her for suffering me all these weeks, for letting me in. And for the first time I can imagine a life together. A peaceful coexistence, which was all Martin and I enjoyed anyway. Why can’t I enjoy this? Must my life consist only of adversarial relationships? 

I feel before I see that her head has swung around, her jaw landing on my wrist. 

I don’t push her away. I let her teeth pierce the skin, going deeper. I welcome the pain. Even pain is a currency. A point of negotiation. The absence of accustomed pain is in itself a form of pain. I watch the blood trickle down my arm. I think of the slipcover, the cleaning deposit on the carpet.

I am no match for her, and I yank my hand back. She jumps to the floor. I’m shaking.

“Martin left you too, sweetheart. It’s time you got on with your life.”

* * *

Truth is, I could have had the front desk give Ron a key to my apartment. He could do his business and be gone before I got home from work. 

On his second visit, I ask Ron to let me sit in on the session. 

He looks at me for a moment like I’m just another one of his cats. His eyes are blue, and he has a habit of massaging his neck when thinking, exposing firm biceps, which he is doing now. “I will call you in when I’m ready,” he says.

I go into the bedroom and wait. I can hear them out in the living room. Sounds of a cat galloping from room to room. 

“We’re ready for you,” he says.

I sit on the couch and watch the way he plays with her, how focused she is. A ballerina on hind legs, paws extending, twirling. It occurs to me that Ron is nothing like Martin. With Dido, Martin sought out purrs and intimacy. Ron seeks only to work the cat out, dispensing trivial doses of attention, minimal eye contact. As if he is working with a hardened convict.

“How do you do it?” I ask.

“There are no secrets—no secret language, if that’s what you’re getting at. Cats were here before humans. I think at some level they all know that. If you look into a cat’s eyes, really look, you’ll see it. Something you won’t see in a dog’s eyes.”


“Resentment,” he says. “Which is the highest form of intelligence.”

“Everything is claws with her.”

“She hasn’t learned how to use soft paws,” he says. “She’s like you.”


“You’re a lawyer,” he says. 

“I don’t get paid to be gentle.”

He hands the toy to me. “You try.”

I jingle it in front of her. She is motionless.

“See. Nothing.”

“Not in front of her face like that. You make it too easy. You have to give her a challenge. Keep it out of reach. Slow it down.”

I do as instructed but Dido is now staring in the opposite direction. 

“She hates me.”

“Appears the feeling is mutual.”

“I don’t hate her,” I say. “I just don’t like cats all that much. My ex was the cat lover.”

“Why didn’t he take her?”

“It’s complicated.”

“You’re using her for ransom?”

“I’m the one with all the money.“

“How long has he been gone?”

“Six weeks.”

Ron rubs his neck again. “He’s not coming back for Dido.”

“How would you know? Martin is not a cat.” 

“He’s a man, and I know a thing or two about that species as well.”

I feel a tug on my hand and I look down to see Dido playing with the toy. 

“I wasn’t even doing anything.”

“You let it drop behind your shoe. She couldn’t see it, she couldn’t hear it, so she had to have it. Silence means more to a cat than noise,” he says. “Cats are minimalists.”

Ron kneels down and opens his toolbox. He reaches up for the toy.

“I’m not done yet,” I say.

“I have to go.” He grabs the toy and I tug on it playfully, until I nearly coax a smile out of him. 

“How about a drink?” I ask, standing by the door, blocking it. He looks at me, and I think he is considering it, but then he opens the door. Before I know it, I have grabbed the belt loop of his jeans and pulled him to me.

 “What are you doing?” he asks.

I say nothing, and now I have my right hand on his right butt cheek, holding tight, feeling it flex as he tries to turn. And I’m now one with him. My other hand on his other side, grabbing just as firmly. And my mouth on his evasive mouth until I hear the door fall closed again. 

Later, in the dark, we lie naked on the couch. He is staring at the Space Needle.

“What did you do before this?” I ask.


“Not exactly a lateral move.”

“I woke up one morning and realized that I was on the wrong side of life.”

“What do you mean?”

“There is a right side and a wrong side. Those who kill for living are on the wrong side.”

“Somebody has to do it.”

“No,” he says. “Nobody has to do it.”

“So I take it you given up on seafood.”

“All animals.”

“Oh, I see. You’re one of them.”


“You know. People who try to make the rest of us feel guilty about eating meat.”

“I don’t have to try,” he says. 

He pulls away. I hear him getting dressed.

“I didn’t mean anything by that.” I sit up and turn on a light. Dido is high on the bookcase, looking down on us with knowing eyes. 


* * *

Ron doesn’t show the following Monday. Nor does he return my calls. 

“Typical male,” Jeremy says. 

Walking home, late, I check email. An invoice for $500 with one line item: Feline behavior sessions. Payable Net 30.

The cat has torn a linen couch pillow to shreds. She sits on the kitchen counter with a fuck-you look.

I park the cat carrier on the dining room table. 

Dido climbs on top of the bookcase. I reach up for her and grab a hind leg. She slashes me but I hold on. She is biting me now. 

Some people are cat people. Some are dog people. But what if you’re none of the above? What if you are unfit to care for any pet? 

Even gerbils.

My brother quickly lost interest in his gerbils, which stands to reason because our parents had already lost interest in us. Three weeks without food. That’s all it takes to turn childhood pets into cannibals. 

I, following the smell, was the one who found Ariel, alone and skeletal. I watched her die, surrounded with lettuce and sunflower seeds, my feeble attempt at rehabilitation. When my father returned from Dallas, he yelled at my mother, who yelled at my brother, who yelled at me. If I were a lawyer then, I would have sued them all for negligence and abuse. But I was only ten years old. The best I could do was convince my father to let me bury Ariel in the backyard. 

The Space Needle is blurry, and at first I think it is raining. My body trembles when I feel her, the fur, curling up on my lap.  The purring begins and grows louder, like an ocean. 

* * *

I place the carrier on the front porch. I kneel to look at her one more time. Her eyes are black, unblinking. I don’t dare poke a finger through the gate. 

Martin answers the door. When he sees the carrier he studies my face for sign of a practical joke. 

“She missed you,” I say.

He kneels at the carrier, and she meows at him. When he stands, Dido in his arms, I see tears in his eyes. 

“Which one of her meows was that?” I ask.

“I don’t know,” he says. “Must be new.”

The cat is purring now, and they are both staring at me with satisfied eyes. 

* * *

A month later, driving through the city at night, I see a dead animal off to the side of the road. Raccoon? Possum? I tell myself to stop asking such questions. The animal is dead. But these are the questions I now ask. Since Dido. Since Martin trained my eyes to see them. Sniffing around dumpsters. The far corners of parking lots. Emerging from under mufflers. Tails low. Collarless. Were they always there? Or was I always so blind?

I turn towards Ballard.

Tom-Tom is still there, along with the god-awful name the shelter gave him. I vow to change it.

Back at home, I open the door to the carrier and watch him take his first tentative steps, as if he is walking on the moon. Which my apartment must feel like after two months of living in that shelter. I am lying on the floor, at eye level, as he sniffs at the clawed-up couch.

“You’re an only cat,” I assure him. “But I have to be honest with you. I’m not a very good cat person. Still learning to use soft paws.”

He tilts his head and rubs against my forehead.

“But you are a good little boy,” I say. “Such a good little boy.” 



These mountains are killing me—killing all of us—though I know it’s in self-defense. Getting away from here is all I can think about as I step off the bathroom scale, skim my jeans over my pelvic bones, take up the slack inch of denim with a safety pin. Another pound has slid off me this week, even though I shoveled the last of an orange-glazed Bundt cake into my mouth yesterday. Missy’s momma baked the cake for Paw, but my father-in-law wouldn’t eat it, sent it home for Jasper and me to share. Paw won’t eat much of anything these days. He went from mining to logging when the coal dust sucked the air from his lungs, then from logging to sitting on the couch when his Crohn’s disease turned to cancer and his body started dissolving. Like mine seems to be doing.  

My ribs look more like a washboard now than four years ago in high school when they nicknamed me Bony Romie. I worry maybe I have Crohn’s, too. It’s wiping out half the mountain, what ones don’t die of cancer or black lung. The GI doc in Bluefield told Paw he’d called the CDC down in Atlanta, told them they should start tracking it. Said it wasn’t normal for Crohn’s to nest in an area like it had in Stump Branch. Paw and the doctor think it has something to do with the coal mines—something they’re pumping into the ground, or something they’re pumping out—probably the same thing that’s causing the grass to burn up and the fish to swell and lay on the bank like wall-eyed shovel heads. 

The smell of sweet cornbread baking wafts into the bedroom, and my mouth waters, but I ain’t hungry. Food sometimes turns against me these days, causes a quick rush of nausea. It always passes, though. Paw told Jasper the same thing happened to him right before he was diagnosed.

I put away the pink Myrtle Beach 2012 t-shirt from our last vacation, pull down one of Jasper’s bulky West Virginia Mountaineers sweatshirts instead. It’ll hide my ribs and the little swollen paunch that’s shown up low on my belly.

“Anybody home?” Jasper calls from the living room. Our trailer trembles when he slams the front door behind him, and I massage the dull ache building behind my temples.

I snatch the notice about the mountaintop-removal-mining protest from the dresser, shove it into the drawer before Jasper sees it. I hate the anti-MTR meetings and protests. The things they say about what’s happening to the land and to us who live here scare me, give me nightmares even, yet I can’t seem to stay away. The woman who invited me to my first meeting in the back bay of Walker’s Garage told me that what I didn’t know could kill me. Since then, I haven’t missed a one. I want to learn everything they’re teaching, see firsthand the changes taking place in the people of Stump Branch. 

I’ve watched a dozen locals become spies or environmental activists in a matter of weeks. Men and women I’ve known all my life have turned into scientists who show us soil and water samples, toxicology reports, easily pronouncing six-syllable words and reading long lists of deadly chemicals—and one of those men never finished high school. Funny how staring at death makes people smarter. 

Now I smooth back my hair and make myself smile, then head down our short hallway. “There’s my man.” I lean in to peck a kiss on Jasper’s lips, the only part of him besides his eyeballs that isn’t pitch black. “Did the nightshift treat you all right?” 

Jasper nods, sets his lunch bucket on the vinyl runner by the door, slides out of his dirty twill coat. “I smell cornbread.” His blue eyes light like propane flames, their brightness intensified by the mask of coal dirt surrounding them. 

“Can’t have brown beans without it,” I say. 

“Mmm, lady! I’d marry you again, if you weren’t already mine.” 

“Get cleaned up. Cornbread’ll be done in a jiffy.” I turn off the warming flame beneath the pan and spoon potatoes fried with onions into a blue-speckled bowl. “Might want to bring in your work boots off the porch, set them in the tub. We’re supposed to get a skiff of snow later this morning.” 

“Too early for snow. I ain’t ready for it, yet.” From the bathroom down the hall, Jasper’s voice echoes as if he is still deep in the mine. “You check on Daddy after work yesterday?”

“I did.” I add a thick pat of golden butter to the fried potatoes, the same thing I made for my father-in-law yesterday, and I think of the man’s yellowing, wary eyes. Paw—I’ve always called him Paw instead of Daddy, out of respect for my own daddy who died when I was a teenager—Paw’s sliding downhill fast. It isn’t just his sickness, either. His mind ain’t acting right. He’s not himself, and I worry he’s up to something. A no-good sort of something. 

A long pause settles between us before Jasper asks the heavy question I know will follow. “He send any more Oxy home with you?”

“On the bedroom dresser.” I set the table, stand by the kitchen window and watch the morning sunrise illuminate the miles of flat, beige scab that used to be a cloud-grazing piney mountain. I unclench my teeth and work my aching jaw. 

Ten minutes later when Jasper pads out of the bathroom bare-chested, barefoot and smelling of soap, I slide the pone of steaming cornbread onto the table. “Want milk for dunking?” 

“Heck yeah.” He flashes his white smile, and just like that, my icy mood melts.

Jasper picks up a slab of cornbread, slathers it with butter, takes a big bite and talks around it. “How many pills did he send this time?” 

I look out the window again, listen to the harsh wind whistle past the windowpane. No deep folds of mountain, no heavy forest out there anymore to hedge us in, protect us. “Didn’t count ’em.” I break off a piece of cornbread, crumble it between my fingers, watch the grains sprinkle onto the plate. “Felt like too many.” I dust my hands and take a long swig of milk to wash away the bitterness on my tongue.

“You’ll wish you had more, the day comes you ever need to sell ’em.”

I set down my glass hard enough to make my fork jump. “Dammit, Jasper, you been dying since the day you walked into that mine. I’m tired of you always planning for the day you don’t come home.” I stand, rake my food into the garbage can and run scalding water over the plate. 

“Don’t be like that,” Jasper says. “Sit down, honey. Eat.” 

“Not in the mood for cornbread,” I say.

“Want me to make you a sandwich? Peanut butter is my specialty.” 

“I’m not hungry.” I dry the plate, and I’m startled when Jasper breathes into my hair, slides his arms around me, pulls me back against his chest. I rest there, let his warmth seep into me. 

“We talked about this when I started working for Prospect. You know the chances I got of coming home in a box.”

I know. Oh, yes, I know. Roof bolting is about the most dangerous job an underground miner can do. It also pays the most. 

Jasper nuzzles my neck and whispers in my ear as his hands move lower on my stomach. “Babies cost money, and if we want a little Grodin some day, I need to stick around there a while.”

I squeeze his hands, slide them a bit higher. How I ache for a child in the hollow of my belly, pray day and night for a baby. A selfish prayer, premature, but one that, if God will answer, might help Jasper see the sense in leaving. Stump Branch might cradle Grodin family land, but it’s no longer the place for Jasper and me to start our family. The land is sick, the people are sick, and now I’m feeling sickly, too. 

I turn around in Jasper’s arms, look up into his once-smooth face, now lined and creased a decade beyond its twenty-two years. “You promised you’d quit in five years.”

He nods, and a trickle of water sluices from a light-brown curl, skims his neck and slides onto his chest. “Still got part of one to go.”

“We could get out now, Jasper, go to North Carolina. Plenty of textile jobs down there. Construction jobs.” 

“You ain’t got no reason to worry about me spending a lifetime underground. I can’t stick around there no longer than six or seven years, anyhow.”

“Six or seven years! You’d consider staying longer?”

“We’re less than a year from tearing into the last big coal seam on the property. After that, no more underground mining. Prospect’s doing everything above-ground. MTR mining all the way. I’m the last of a dying breed, baby.” He grins. 

“Jasper, nobody says you got to stick out the full five you’d promised. Besides, Stinson didn’t keep his word, neither. You still ain’t got no medical card. You have to beg for a day off and lie to take one.” 

He tilts his head, touches his lips to mine, and electricity snaps between us. I flatten my hands on his chest, push him away. “Finish eating, and get some sleep. I have to run into town. I’ll check on Paw again while I’m out. I believe he’s supposed to see the doc again tomorrow. He thinks he can drive, but I want to make sure.” 

Jasper eases onto the straight-backed chair awkwardly, gingerly, like an old man.

“Your back bothering you again?” I ask.

“Not too bad. Big slab of roof fell today.” He lifts his palms heavenward. “Had my hands up just so, caught the edge and shoved it to the side before it crushed Jimbo. I might have twisted wrong.” He rolls a shoulder, arches, then digs his spoon into the beans. “Say Paw’s going again tomorrow? Didn’t he just go a few days ago?”

I take a deep breath, let it out slowly, quietly. “They go more often when it gets to end-stage.” I watch him carefully, but he won’t look at me. “The doctor called and said the big polyp he took out last week showed more cancer. Said Paw needs to have another ten or twelve inches cut out of there, but your daddy won’t hear of it. Said no more knife.”

“No more knife,” Jasper echoes, pushing his food around his plate. 

“Sorry, Jasper. I know you hate talking about these things.”

“So . . . what’s Daddy gonna do?”

I watch my husband for a moment. He wouldn’t want me to candy-coat the truth. “He told the doc to double up on his pills if he would, but no more cutting.”

Jasper chews slowly, puts down his spoon and looks up at me. 

I hold up my hand, stop him before he can speak. “He needs them pills himself, Jasper. You know he’s got to be hurting.”

“Ain’t like I’m taking anything he ain’t offering. His idea to skim off the bottles, not mine.” He breaks off another wedge of cornbread, dunks it into the milk. “He don’t take half of what they prescribe for him, anyhow. Said if he took Oxy at the rate the doctor pushed it on him, he’d O.D. in an hour.” 

I turn away before I wipe my eyes, so Jasper won’t see.

“Besides,” he says, “I told him he ever needs them back, I got them right here, and I’ll come running. Told him I’d never sell them, anyhow. They’re yours for when—”

“For when you die! Hell yes, I know that!”

Jasper shrugs, bites off the sopping cornbread, swallows with hardly a chew. “It’s the only life-insurance policy we got.” 

I blink hard, his words stinging me like a slap to the face. I yank Jasper’s good hunting jacket from the coat tree by the door, shove my arms into it and push the cuffs over my wrists. Jasper’s words circle through my head again. Caught the edge and shoved it to the side before it crushed Jimbo. My Lord. 

“I’ll try to be back before you leave,” I say, then I catch myself and speak a bit softer. “You pulling a twelve again? What time you go in?” He doesn’t answer, and when I turn, Jasper’s eyes catch me, hold me in the way that hurts my heart. 

“Baby, come here.” He holds out an arm, and before I know it, I’m wrapped up inside him, he’s wrapped inside me. 

With the groceries bought, the electric bill paid, and what’s left of Jasper’s check deposited, I head back up the mountain, almost wishing I didn’t have the day off work. Not that I like calling patients who can’t afford their medical bills to remind them a turnover to collections is looming, but it beats watching Paw die. 

The Jeep rocks like a boat among waves as I navigate the ruts and climb the ridge toward Paw’s place. I peer into the skeletal tree-line as the afternoon sun begins to sink, but I find no colorful fall leaves, no late green shoots, no encouragement that spring will follow winter, will ever come again to Stump Branch. 

As I near the top, I slow and steer the Jeep to hug the inside of the narrow road, my stomach balling tight in anticipation of meeting one of the monstrous coal trucks that race up and down the ridge all hours of the day and night. Each year since the mine opened in ’98, someone has died either in a head-on collision or from being run over the steep embankment by a coal truck. Prospect always pays the fines, but they’ve never lost a court case, and no family has ever received reparations for loss of life. My fingers ache from gripping the wheel too tight, and I flex them, telling myself that maybe tonight I will paint my nails for Jasper, telling myself anything to get dying off my mind.

I let out a pent-up breath when I round the blind turn without meeting a coal truck. A jarring blast from the mine a mile and a half away further stretches my nerves, and I grit my teeth as loose dirt and rubble tumble from the steep shale bank above onto the Jeep’s hood and roof. You can’t ever have anything nice around here. 

Topping the knoll, I gaze out the passenger window at the bleak desolation below. Another big gray slurry pond—nearly the size of a lake—burbles and pops where once a field of Queen Anne’s lace, wild strawberries, and morning glories ambled over the ground. Nearly seven years have passed since they dug the pond, and not a weed nor a blade of grass grows within a hundred yards of it. Poison slop. Full of arsenic, copper, selenium, and other chemicals I can’t yet pronounce, but have heard named at the anti-mountaintop-removal coalition meetings. I study the pie charts, and I always pay special attention to the one depicting water quality, where the chemicals cover all but a blue sliver of the pie. A pond can’t hold in that kind of misery for long. Nothing can. 

After the turn-off toward Paw’s place, the Jeep travels smoother road along the man’s well-tended drive. I pull alongside his mailbox, reach out the window and retrieve a handful of doctor bills, insurance notices, and the same anti-MTR flyer that was in my mailbox yesterday. Paw hasn’t been outside since my last visit.

The house hasn’t changed much since the first time Jasper brought me home to meet his folks six years ago, right after he’d gotten his driver’s license. The white clapboards don’t look as proud now that coal dust stains the crevices, and though Paw usually keeps up with the ditch lilies Momma Grodin planted the year before she died, he hasn’t cut them back this fall, and they lay like heaps of wilted broomstraw along the edge of the porch. 

Paw doesn’t come to the door as he usually does when I drive up, so I jump out of the Jeep and mount the steps two at a time. He could be in the bathroom, I tell myself, trying to banish bad thoughts.

I knock at the door, three quick raps. “Paw?” I open the door without waiting, knowing my father-in-law’s front door has never been locked. As easy to lock the boogeyman in as out, he once told me. May as well let him come and go as he pleases.

“Paw?” A rush of heat wraps around me, nearly takes my breath, and I cross the wooden floor and check the thermostat. Eighty-five. “Where are you, Paw?”

“Be out in a minute.” His voice sounds strangled, and he rattles a wet cough. 

Bathroom. I drop the mail on the coffee table, shed Jasper’s coat and lower the thermostat to seventy-three. “It’s hotter than Hades in here, Paw. You got the chills or something?”

The toilet flushes, followed by running water at the sink, then Paw emerges. “I’ve been a little chilly, yeah.” 

I suck in a breath. His face has grayed overnight, and his eyes have sunk so deeply into their orbits that he looks like the plastic Halloween skull I put on our front porch last week. He offers a strained smile and walks cautiously down the center of the wide hallway, as if barefoot on broken glass. 

I rush to his side. “Paw, my Lord, why didn’t you call me?” Once a foot taller than me, Paw now walks with a stoop, and he levels his hollow gaze with my stare. “You look a mess,” I say. It’s an understatement.

Paw grins around his grimace, and his watery eyes make me want to cry. 

“Ain’t nothing you can do for me, doll baby,” he says. “If they was, I’d tell you.” He pecks a hot, dry kiss on my cheek. “’Sides, I’m getting along just fine for an old feller.”

When I slide an arm around Paw’s back, his spine presses against my arm through my sweatshirt. He feels so light I think I could carry him on my hip, like a baby. “Let’s rest a bit, why don’t we?” I say. He leans on me more than usual as I lead him to his recliner and help him sit. “Can I get you anything? Drink of water? Coffee?”

He lifts a bent finger and points toward the kitchen. “Just put on a pot about six hours ago. Ought to be stout by now. Black. No sugar, sugar.” He grins at his joke, but his lips are thin and tight, and another cough bubbles in his throat.

“Want me to take you to the hospital, Paw?”

“No. Next time I come out of this holler, it’ll be in a box.”

I can’t stifle a groan. “Great. Now you and Jasper are both talking that foolishness.” I fill two mugs, add a spoonful of powdered creamer to mine, carry them into the living room.

“What’s got Jasper dying today?” Paw asks.

“Slab of roof fell while he was bolting. I swear, Paw, between worrying about him, and you, and the mine blasting that goes on all hours of the day and night, I ain’t had a solid night of sleep in a month.” 

Paw’s gaze settles on the fluorescent pink flyer that came in the mail. “Reach me that thing.”

I curse myself for not throwing it in the trash before he saw it. “Aw, you know it’s another piece of propaganda. They’re right, of course, those protesters. But it ain’t doing no good, and it only serves to stir up trouble and hurt feelings.”

He grunts, but I don’t know if he’s agreeing or not. I push to find out. “Need to take their fight to Charleston, or maybe Washington. Only making people feel bad who have to earn a living in that mine. Ain’t like the men’s got a choice.”

“Everbody’s got a choice.” He sips the steaming brew, sets his mug on the side table. “They got a right to protest, and what they’re saying is the truth, Romie. Prospect Mining is killing all of us, what ones are working in the mines, and what ones ain’t.” He stares off for a moment, then speaks softly to the air. “I’ve had about enough of it.”

He turns and fixes me with a serious stare. “Jasper don’t know you go to them anti-MTR meetings, does he?”

His question catches me off guard, and I wonder how he knows, who might have told him. “No, sir. I’ve only been to a couple. I just wanted to see what they were about.”  

“You ought to go to all of ’em. Don’t miss nary a one.” He points again at the flyer. 

I hand the stack of mail to Paw, taking care to shuffle the flyer to the bottom. His words sound foreign to me. He’s long supported the miners, worked the mines himself in the years when men only went underground, gouged deep to get the coal instead of decapitating mountains. Used to say underground mining might not be the best way to treat Mother Nature, but it sure beat chopping off her head like Prospect has started doing now. 

Paw’s glistening eyes rove the hot-pink page, then he lays the flyer on the table, sips again from his coffee mug. “They’re going about it all wrong.” He stares silently at the dark TV for a full minute. Then he turns to me. “Say you’ll help me, if I need it?”

I wipe the dampness from my forehead, wish I’d worn my t-shirt instead of Jasper’s sweatshirt. “Think you ought to go to the hospital, after all? Let’s get you a bag together.” I stand and head toward my father-in-law’s bedroom. 

“Sit down. I told you I ain’t going to no hospital.” He stares at me in a hard way that tells me not to argue. “I want your word that you’ll carry out my last wishes.”

My throat clogs. I try to think of a joke, something funny to lighten his mood, but the words won’t come. Momma Grodin’s old cuckoo clock sounds from the kitchen, as if telling me it’s time to listen, time to do what Paw wants me to do while time is left. “Of course I will, Paw,” I whisper. “You know that.” 

He points. “Reach me that Bible.” 

I lift the worn, oxblood Bible from its place on the center of the coffee table, offer it to Paw. 

He puts on his bifocals with trembling hands, then opens the leather-bound text to the last pages. “Let me read you something.”

I try not to look surprised, but it’s hard. Paw reads the Bible, believes in the Lord above, but he’s never preached to anyone, always says a man must find God on his own terms, and that he can find Him anywhere. 

“The Book of Revelation, eleventh chapter, verse eighteen . . . ‘The nations were angry, and your wrath came, as did the time for the dead to be judged, and to give your bondservants the prophets their reward, as well as to the saints, and those who fear your name, to the small and the great; and to destroy those who destroy the earth.’” A wet cough gurgles its way out of Paw’s chest, and he snatches a tissue from the side table, closes his Bible. 

He composes himself, and when he looks at me, his eyes are puddled. “You get that, Romie? ‘. . . to destroy those who destroy the earth.’” 

I start to nod, but shake my head. “I get it, Paw. I think.”

“I want to be a bondservant.”

Dread slops over me like smothering mud, and I ache to have Jasper here to hold my hand, to pull me to fresh air. “I don’t . . . what are you saying?” 

Paw dabs at a watering eye with the tissue, points toward the coat closet by the front door. “You done give me your word. Now look in there. On the floor.”

I stand, and my feet feel heavy, like they’re stuck to the carpet. “What do you mean? About being a bondservant?” 

He points toward the coat closet, but doesn’t speak. 

I think he must have taken some Oxy that’s made him loopy, and that’s good. He needs it. I open the dark wooden closet door and stare at the strange thing on the floor. I step closer, realize it’s a hunting vest that stands rigid, rust-colored sticks of dynamite holding it erect. My knees want to buckle. “Paw.” The word comes out on a half-breath.

“Destroy those who destroy the earth.”

I kneel in front of the closet. “No.”

“What time’s Jasper go in tonight? Five?”

“No, Paw.” 

“Look at me, Romie.”

I turn my head a bit, but my stare won’t leave the hunting vest. 

“All I need is for you to drive me up there.”

“People will die, Paw! You will die. We have friends at that mine. Jasper could be in that mine!” I finally turn to meet his gaze.

His smile comes easier now; his face is peaceful. “I’m already dead, doll baby. Only a matter of timing.”

It’s a struggle, but I manage to hold back a sob.

“Jasper will be going in soon, won’t he? I could go into the mine this evening at shift change, during their meeting,” he says. “They always meet in that old office trailer. Either way, won’t be a soul underground, ’cept me.” He holds out his palms like Jesus on the cross. “You take me up there, go interrupt the meeting to see Jasper, tell him loud and clear something’s wrong with me.”

I shake my head to clear the cobwebs—can he really be saying these things?

“Say it so the others will hear. Tell them you came straightaway to get help . . . phone’s out, so you couldn’t call for an ambulance.” 

Paw lets his hand fall between his recliner and the end table, and when he lifts it again, he holds up the phone line he’s cut, so I can see its frayed edges. He gives me a white-lipped grin. “I’ll mosey down past the equipment bays while you’ve got their attention. You and Jasper will be off the ridge before I let her blow. The ones atop the ground’ll shudder and shake, but they won’t be hurt none.”

He wipes his mouth with the back of his hand. “The shafts will collapse . . . mining equipment will blow all to pieces. It’ll cost more to wade through the EPA and OSHA paperwork and replace all that equipment than it will to shut her down . . . clear out of here.” Fresh pink blooms on his pasty cheeks.

My racing heartbeat slows, and I chew on a fingernail. It can’t be that easy, can it? Jasper won’t have a job, a place to work. If he’s unemployed, we’ll have to leave the state for work then, won’t we? Get out of here. Have a baby in a place where the water isn’t chemical soup.

“It’s my dying wish.” Another cough breaks from his chest, and this time red dots spot the tissue. 

I lurch toward Paw, wrap him in my arms. 

“All you need to do is give me a ride,” he whispers. 

After a moment, he pushes me away from him, holds me at arm’s length. “They done killed more’n five hunnerd mountains and four times that in people. Somebody’s got to show them we ain’t gonna take it no more.” He shakes his head. “They poisoned me.” He pokes a finger at my stomach. “And they’re poisoning you. You, and Jasper, and everybody else in Stump Branch.”

I look down at the concave void just below my ribs, and I imagine a mound there in its place, a swollen womb full of Jasper’s child. I dry my wet face on my sleeve. “Don’t you want to talk to Jasper about this first?”

Paw shakes his head, and tears slip out again. “That’d hurt worse—hurt me and him both.” He looks away, wipes his sunken cheeks. “It’s better this way, he don’t know.” He motions toward the small table by the front door with a shaky hand. “There’s two more stock bottles of OxyContin sittin’ there, both plumb full. Ought to be enough to buy a new start in Carolina.” 

I follow the direction his fingertip points, look at the big, white, square bottles. Has to be more than a hundred pills in each, a dollar a milligram. Thousands of dollars rolled into little blue tablets.

Paw pats my hand, rubs away the dampness on my cheek with his thumb. “I done laid out my UMWA life policy on the bed, ready for you and Jasper to take to the lawyer. Ain’t much, but it’ll help. There won’t be no funeral, nothing left to bury.”

“I know you think you’ve thought this through, but them mine owners won’t shut down. They’ll just lop off another mountain on down the road. Jasper’s already said that’s their next plan. And that life insurance policy—it won’t pay for suicide.” 

Paw waves his hands, and his voice comes out in agitated wheezes. “I’m sick, Romie. They’ll say Oxy stunned me . . . old man wasn’t thinking right. He got confused . . . went to mines . . . thought he still worked there.” He swallows against the gurgle in his throat. “That much dynamite . . . all the gas that builds up around there . . . they’ll never know I blew the place. What’s left of that hollowed-out mountain . . . it will be gone. Insurance will pay, you bet. It’s the United Mine Workers Union.” 

“They’ll fight it. You know they’ll fight it. Insurance companies don’t care about us.”

Paw’s bushy eyebrows lift, and again I’m struck by how gaunt his face has become. “Prospect’ll make ’em pay. You think they want word to get out . . . that one of their own blowed up a mine on purpose? That miners are turning against the mines?” He clears his throat. “No, they’ll want to cover it up quick as they can . . . money’s the best way to do that. They think money’ll shut up anybody.” 

I grind my teeth, shake my head. “Paw, this is your sickness talking. I’m taking you to the doctor.” I stand and offer him my hand, but he waves it away. Instead, his gnarled hands grip the armrests, and he thrusts himself forward. 

“Get my jacket.”

I take a deep breath. Finally, he’s thinking right. I return to the closet by the door and pull out Paw’s flannel coat, averting my eyes from the hunting jacket. 

Hunched forward, Paw eases toward the door. “Not that one.” He points at the hunting vest. “That one.” 

“Humor me, Paw. Put this on.” I hold open the flannel coat, guide Paw’s long arms into the sleeves.

“Humor me, now.” He jerks his head toward the open closet. “Get it.”

It’s not a bad idea to get the dangerous thing out of the house. I can set it over the hill and send Jasper to take it apart later. I pick up the heavy vest, surprised that it takes both hands to lift it. I look toward Paw, but he’s headed out the door, trusting me to do as he said. I slide the vest onto one arm, and then I see the two medicine bottles. I look toward the ceiling. Would it do any good to pray? I heft the vest against my hip, and my hand trembles when I pick up the bottles and slip them into Jasper’s deep coat pocket. I hurry out the door to steady Paw as he ambles down the porch steps. 

When we reach the Jeep, I set the hunting vest on the ground, help Paw climb inside, and start to close the door.

He grabs my arm and tilts his head toward the vest. “I’ll take that.”

“Bumpy as this road is, we’ll blow to Kingdom Come before we get off the mountain.” 

“Who’s the master blaster here? I’ve hauled dynamite around most of my life. It won’t blow unless somebody blows it.” He reaches out his hands, and his voice is stern. “I said I’ll take that.”

I peer into the bone-dry woods on the other side of the driveway. I’ve never disrespected my father-in-law. Never spoken a harsh word to him. He and Jasper’s mother treated me like their own child from the first time I stepped into their home. 

My shoulders sag as I lift the awkward vest, ignoring Paw’s outstretched hands, and place it in the floorboard at his feet. I close the door, walk around the Jeep, and slide behind the wheel. 

The pills clatter inside the bottles in my pocket, and Paw looks at me and smiles. “Good girl,” he says, his voice hoarse. “I hate it’s come to this. Shame you two got to sell them pills to make a life, but the Good Lord always provides, don’t He?” He clears his throat, sinks backward into the seat and sighs. “I’m looking forward to meeting Him.” 

I press my lips together to keep from cursing. “Hope you know we’re going to the hospital.”

I glance toward Paw, but he won’t look at me, keeps his gaze on the homeplace as I head down the graveled drive. 

“Last time I’ll be seeing this place.”

“Don’t say that.”

“Romie, I won’t last another day or two. I don’t want to die in no hospital.”

“You can stay with Jasper and me.” I reach the end of the drive, brake, and the clock on the dashboard reads 4:44. The numbers seem like a message, one I can’t decipher. I turn to look at Paw. “I’ll take care of you.”

“No pride in that. I’m a strong enough man, still got one more job to do.” 

I look out across the rutted road, once smooth blacktop, now fractured into a million pieces by the too-heavy trucks hauling out tons of mountain soul. What was once the rising mountain where I picked blackberries, chewed teaberry leaves, and made love to Jasper among blooming dogwoods is now low-lying scarred craters—sterile, desolate, and barren. No place to live. No place to birth a baby. Only a place for dying. A place for destroying those who destroy this good earth.

I take Paw’s hand in mine, kiss his palm, let him go. I hold tightly to the wheel, turn onto the road and drive toward the mine.

“I love you like a daughter, Romie. You’re a real good girl. Thank you for doing this.”

“I ain’t doing nothing but taking you to see Jasper, let him talk some sense into your head. Lord knows I can’t.” I flinch when Paw’s fist slams the dashboard.

“I told you I didn’t want Jasper in on this.” Red-tinted saliva flies from his lip, and he wipes his mouth on the back of his hand, glares out the window. 

“When you brought me in, you brought Jasper in.” Another blast at the mine causes the Jeep to vibrate, and I grip the wheel tighter, shoot a sideways glance at the hunting vest standing in the floorboard between Paw’s feet. “You sure that thing won’t blow?” 

“Got to light the fuse, first.” Paw pulls an old Zippo lighter from his pocket, flips open the metal lid. 

“For God’s sake, Paw! Put that thing away.” 

Paw shoves the lighter into his coat pocket, speaks with a soft voice full of hurt. “I would never lay harm to you. You ought to know that.”

I reach the entrance, drive past the Prospect Mining sign. I want to throw up, rid my stomach of the nerves writhing like snakes inside it.  

Paw touches my arm. “Stop here and let me out.” His voice warbles, and he clears his throat. “By the time you get to the trailer, I’ll be at the equipment bay entrance. You get Jasper, and y’all get off this mountain. I figure it’ll take me four or five minutes to get to her belly. That’s where I’ll . . . you know . . . let her blow.”

I set my jaw, press the gas pedal, and cut the wheel, slinging red-dog gravel and coal dirt in an arc across the wide parking area as I drive toward the office trailer. “I’ll do no such thing. I’m going to get Jasper, all right, but only so’s he can straighten you out. You’re going to sit right here while I do it, you hear me?” I turn off the Jeep and snatch the keys from the ignition. “If you can look your son in the eye and convince him to go along with this fool idea of yours, I’ll stand with you on it. But I won’t let you put this burden on my shoulders to carry alone.”

I step out, turn, and glare at Paw. “You staying put?” 

I want him to say no. Want him to sling that heavy vest onto his shoulder, march like the soldier he’d once been into that mine, defend his family, defend this land, even at the cost of what few days he’s got left. My face grows hot, fired by coals of shame smoldering inside of me. 

Paw’s lower lip thrusts outward, and he reaches into the floorboard, tries to lift the heavy vest onto his lap. 

I hold my breath. 

Paw grunts and strains. “Help me put this thing on.”

I look skyward, blinking hard and fast. Overhead, a lone red-shouldered hawk screeches, searches the gray strip mine in lonesome circles, moves on. I look again at my father-in-law, wonder if maybe I should do this God-awful thing that he asks of me. “Paw?”

Another rattling cough shakes his body. He lets the vest fall against the floor, leans back to catch his breath. He presses his steel-blue lips together, stares straight ahead, won’t look at me.

Ahead of us sits the trailer, and I know Jasper’s in there, know this is the place where he spends his nights and part of his days making a living for us, making a life for us, and in a way I can’t pretend to understand, he likes mining coal. How can I take that away from him? 

Paw drops his head, stares at hands curled like dead leaves in his lap. He sniffs and turns to me, lets out a long, jagged breath. “Useless,” he whispers.

I climb back into the Jeep, pull a handful of tissues out of the console and offer them to Paw. When he won’t take them, I put all but one in his lap and dab the blood-tinged spittle from the corner of his mouth. “This ain’t the way you want to go out of this world, Paw. You’re too good for that kind of destruction.”

He looks out the window, surveying the wasted mountain. “I’m a foolish old man.” His chin quivers.

“No. No, you’re not.” 

A wet cough rattles Paw’s body, and I turn my face away. “What say we go, before the men come out of that trailer?”

He picks up a tissue and swabs his damp face. 

I wipe my eyes as I drive past the Prospect Mining sign. 

Paw stares out the window toward the eight-mile fissure where once stood a mountain. He reaches over, pats my hand where it lays on the gearshift. He lets out a ragged sigh, turns his ashen face toward mine. “You done the right thing.”

I try to smile at him, but can’t. “It ought to feel like it then, oughtn’t it?” I glance at the dynamite, push away second thoughts, and drive down the broken road toward home. 


When Claire traveled, which she did often, she left a message in the bathroom of every hotel room she slept in, for the eyes of whoever stayed there after she had gone. She would write it on the mirror, in big letters, with a bar of soap, smearing the soap thickly onto the mirror, then gently cleaning most of it off, with the care and precision of an art historian cleaning a painting, or anyone cleaning something that actually mattered. When she was done, it looked as if there were nothing written on the mirror, but left behind was a residue that would be invisible until the next guest took a shower, filling the room with steam that revealed to him the hidden message. That person, whoever he was, would pull the shower curtain back and see what Claire had left for him to read.

Sometimes Claire would write just one word, whichever came to mind when she had the idea to write a word, like LIAR, maybe, or PONTOON, or NOUGAT, or RAPIST. 

More often, she wrote entire phrases, like LEAVE IT BEHIND and IT MIGHT BE BENIGN.

YOU KILLED THEM, she wrote on a hotel room mirror in Ann Arbor, to excite the conscience of whoever saw the words she wrote. Who knew? Maybe the next guest was an actual murderer. Maybe he would be moved by her message to confess his crimes to the authorities. 

He might be guilty of a figurative murder. Maybe he had killed someone’s hopes and dreams.

She’d had the idea to start doing this thing one morning in Sacramento, when she’d emerged from the shower to see streaks left in the mirrorsteam. The streaks she saw did not form words, they were mere streaks. But she formed words there, after searching online for the best method for writing words on a bathroom mirror that would be invisible until the onset of steam. The best method involved the use of soap, said the internet. And so she used soap.

The first words she wrote, in that Sacramento hotel bathroom, weren’t much to look at. She wrote CLAIRE RULES. 

It was the first thing she’d thought of, when she had the idea to write something. 

It did not communicate much. It communicated CLAIRE RULES.

She knew that sometimes the women of housekeeping must have cleaned her words off the hotel room mirrors by washing the mirrors as soon as she was gone. She also felt confident that at least some of the time they didn’t clean the mirrors. So often, when she stepped out of the shower herself, streaks were left there, providing no meaning but offering evidence that someone had touched the mirror with greasy fingers and the mirror had not since then been cleaned. 

At a Radisson in Cleveland, she left behind a mirror message that read, HOPE IS BAD, which she hoped would be seen by someone who knew a woman named Hope. It wasn’t what she meant when she first wrote it; she had only meant to communicate that hope is bad, not for any particular reason.

In the bathroom of a room on the 4th floor of a Hilton in Chicago, she was met with a mirror much larger than the ones she was used to. Surely, she’d thought, when she’d seen the hotel on her itinerary, there has been some mistake. This room is too much. It cost too much. Just look at this mirror. SURELY, she wrote on the mirror, THERE HAS BEEN SOME MISTAKE.

Claire traveled often. She had to, for her job, which was to travel to different offices across the country and hire people on behalf of whatever company had hired her to deliver the news. She was an intermediary, a middlewoman, a professional hirer. Her job was to give good news to people who needed good news—not to give them jobs, but to tell them they now had jobs. She was a messenger who only ever delivered one message, to many people.

She liked her job. She got it when the recession ended, just as she finished college and people started getting hired again, usually for less money than they’d made when they lost their jobs at the start of the recession. 

She never thought for very long about what message she would write. It would have been contrary to the spirit of the thing. She had to write the first thing that came into her mind when she saw the mirror, just before she wrote on it. If she did it any other way, it would mean that she was taking the whole enterprise too seriously. It would mean that what had started as a lark had become a hobby. 

Claire had no hobbies. Her only hobby was not about to be the writing of messages on mirrors that were meant for strangers she would never see.

And she wasn’t the only one who did this thing with mirrors. She learned as much after months of mirror writing, at a La Quinta in Kansas City.

She took two showers in every hotel room she stayed in: one as soon as she arrived, usually, to get the plane grease off her skin, the other the next morning, before she left to do her work and left on a plane later in the day, to whatever city someone was to be hired in next. 

In Kansas City, she was especially eager to leap into the shower, for a woman on the plane, or a man on the plane, had left some hand sanitizer on the handle of the door to the airplane bathroom, for the next plane bathroom patron to deal with. It had gotten on her fingers, on her way out of the facilities, and she was deeply worried that it had traveled to other parts of her body, when she later put her hand on her neck or her leg or her face. Claire was no germophobe; she was reasonable; but she had no proof that what had been on the door handle was in fact hand sanitizer. As soon as she’d felt something on the handle, she’d wanted to go back in and wash her hands again, and again and again, but another woman had already pushed past her and shut the door. 

JUST ENJOY THE CLAMS AS THEY ARE, the Kansas City mirror said. 

She hadn’t written it. She was not the author of JUST ENJOY THE CLAMS AS THEY ARE. 

What she had done, upon bursting through the hotel room door, was wash her hands for the second time since exiting the plane, and with the soap write EATING IS BAD FOR YOU, elsewhere on the mirror. She would have known it if she’d written EATING IS BAD FOR YOU and JUST ENJOY THE CLAMS together as a kind of if/then statement, like, as long as all eating is bad for you then you might as well enjoy the clams. 

She stood in the shower, dripping and watching the words slowly disappear from view as the steam left the room. As the words faded, her own body appeared before her in their place, fuzzy at first and then less fuzzy. She watched the words go for a long time, and she didn’t especially like to see her body, enough that before dismissing the idea as absurd she wondered for a moment if writing messages on all those mirrors across the country was a figurative way for her to write over the space where her body would otherwise appear, a means for her to claim authority over a space where she was otherwise faced with her lack of control, with her body the features of which she’d had no hand in deciding. 

In spite of the man she’d brought back to her room at a Holiday Inn in Seattle, three months prior, who behaved toward Claire as if she had revealed to him at last what a woman was, she did not consider her body to be something to admire. She felt strongly that her hips didn’t quite match her legs, and found she could not explain just what she meant by that in Seattle, to her gobsmacked admirer, who said her body was perfect, which made her laugh.  

She couldn’t explain to him what she meant; nor could she explain to herself convincingly the presence in the La Quinta of the words she didn’t write. 

Did someone else have the same idea she’d had? It was possible. It seemed likely that someone else would think, at some point, to write things on bathroom mirrors. 

It seemed less likely to her that whoever this person was would choose to write messages as nonspecific yet evocative as hers were. That’s how she thought of them, at least.

Did another guest write the other words? Was it a hotel employee who’d done it? Was the hotel itself sentient; had the La Quinta become self-aware, or been outfitted with an artificial intelligence that had predicted she would write something, not knowing what that would be, and preempted it? Was the place fucking haunted?

All of these things she considered as she dried off and wrapped the towel around her weird hips. As she continued thinking—something she did more or less constantly, even when she’d tried and failed to meditate, with that guy in Seattle the second time she went to Seattle, looking him up before she arrived, since she was going to be in town anyway—the words disappeared from what then appeared to be a plain mirror without any writing on it.

When she returned to the room, later that evening, after hiring an ecstatic man who overreacted to being granted a customer support position at a corporate headquarters where, without a college degree, he would never make more than $28,000 a year—$30,000 if he was lucky—the mirror still looked like nothing. 

When she emerged from the shower the following morning, no new words had been written there.

She bid them goodbye, and left for her flight to somewhere North Dakota, where a fracking company was hiring a new engineer. 

Engineers were the most fun to hire, because they rarely seemed very pleased to be hired. Almost to a man they were stonefaced, and they were nearly all men.

For another eight months, she continued to write messages on hotel room mirrors.

In that time, she stayed at 111 hotels in 28 states. She hired almost 200 people, and was growing tired of her job. As joyful a thing as it was to hire people, she was beginning to feel a little pointless, to feel somewhat or very purposeless, like a tool that was invented not because there was any need for it but because it hadn’t been invented yet. She felt like the human equivalent of a piece of metal that would help screwdrivers drive screws.

She felt also like a midwife who delivers a thousand babies but never has any of her own. After hiring so many people, she wanted to be hired herself. She wanted to partake in some of the satisfaction she saw on the faces of the people she hired. It had been long enough since she’d been granted her current position, she’d forgotten what it felt like.

Mostly, she wanted to get a different job that made more sense to her. 

She had asked men and women at the companies that brought her in why they’d bothered bringing her in, why they hadn’t just done the hiring themselves. 

It’s not hard to do, she’d said, imperiling her livelihood. You just tell them they’re hired.

Most of them said it was something they were required to do by their corporate higher-ups. Others explained that it was just better this way, that many of the people they hired wouldn’t be with the company long, and so if an intermediary did the hiring it would make the separation easier, later on. Not much later on. 

Having you here, said a man to Claire in Albuquerque, is like pulling off a Band-Aid. It’s always better if you can get Mom to do it. 

Claire didn’t like that the man had essentially just said that she was playing the role of his mother. There was nothing about it that she liked. But she knew she would never see him again. So, whatever.

She had had enough, by then, of the job and of the travel. 

It was no coincidence that she had gotten tired of writing messages on mirrors. Usually, now, when she looked at a mirror, she felt utterly uninspired. 

At a Holiday Inn in Columbus, she had written on a mirror I AM OUT OF IDEAS. 

Soon, somewhere in America, she would probably end up writing CLAIRE RULES again. 

At a La Quinta in Kansas City, the last La Quinta she would ever stay in for work, she wrote on the mirror EATING IS BAD 4 U. 

The news of Prince’s death had just arrived. She was trying to process it.

She looked at what she’d written, sighed, and took a shower. 

When she stepped out of the shower, minutes later, the entire mirror was covered with writing. 

Holy shit, she said aloud, brushing back her hair. 

DON’T TELL ME THAT EATING IS BAD 4 U, it read. JUST ENJOY THE CLAMS AS THEY ARE. The words overlapped in some places; it was a clumsy mess, up there on the mirror. 

But the message was clear.

The message that lay behind inside the written message grew even clearer, the longer Claire stood there, the more the words and the steam faded and her hips and the rest of her body grew less obscure. If she had stayed in this room three times in the nearly three years she’d had her job, and had written on the mirror on each visit, and hadn’t recognized the room on her return visits, and in all that time no one had cleaned the mirror thoroughly enough to remove the words she had written, then it was time to switch careers, to settle down and stop staying in hotels, or at least to find work with a company that would put her up in better hotels. 

There would be no tip for housekeeping that morning. As she waited for the Uber she ordered, she gave notice in a terse email to her supervisor, whom she had only met once, when he’d hired her. He had done it himself. The rest of the time, she had been on the road. 

She would travel to hire only eight more people in the two weeks that followed, at the end of which she would be done hiring people on behalf of the cowards who couldn’t face the temporary employees who didn’t know they were temporary. 

Her final mirror message, written in the bathroom of the apartment she moved into in St. Louis after quitting her job, because she had family in St. Louis, was written for herself. 

It was EGGENPLATZENSCHLATZ. It was a word she had made up on the spot, but she swore that when she found a job she wouldn’t travel for, except when commuting, she would decide what it meant. 

Or maybe she would have someone over. Maybe the guy from Seattle would visit, and he would take a shower in her rented bathroom, and see the message, and together they would decide the meaning of EGGENPLATZENSCHLATZ. 

It probably wouldn’t be the guy from Seattle. 

There was no telling what might happen, though, in St. Louis.