Tag Archives: Issue 13

Camille Ferguson

CAMILLE FERGUSON lives in and loves Cleveland, Ohio, with its thriving literary scene and hub of creatives. Camille studies creative writing at Cleveland State University where she recently received the Neal Chandler Creative Writing Enhancement Award. Her work is featured in Ligeia Magazine and forthcoming in Jelly Bucket.

Anton Dudley

ANTON DUDLEY’s plays and musicals have premiered Off-Broadway with Playwrights Realm, Second Stage Theater, Cherry Lane Theater, and at Theater Row, and across the country at theaters including Signature Theater, LaJolla Playhouse, Walnut Street Theater, Williamstown Theater Festival, Adirondack Theater Festival, and Ensemble Studio Theater. His works are published by Sam French, Playscripts, Applause, Backstage, and Vintage. His play ‘Letter to the End of the World’ was a finalist for the 2012 Lambda Literary Award in LGBT Drama.

Claudia Buckholts

CLAUDIA BUCKHOLTS received Creative Writing Fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts and Massachusetts Artists Foundation, and the Grolier Poetry Prize. Her work has appeared in Indiana Review, Minnesota Review, New American Writing, Prairie Schooner, The Southern Review, Tar River Poetry, and others; and in two books, Bitterwater and Traveling Through the Body.

Roy Bentley

ROY BENTLEY, finalist for the Miller Williams prize for his book Walking with Eve in the Loved City, is the author of seven books of poetry; including, most recently, American Loneliness from Lost Horse Press, who is bringing out a new & selected in 2020. He has published poetry in december, The Southern Review, New Letters, Crazyhorse, Shenandoah, Blackbird, Prairie Schooner, and Rattle among others.’

Ayesha Asad

AYESHA ASAD is a freshman at the University of Texas at Dallas majoring in Literature and Biology. Her writings have been published or is forthcoming in PANK, Cosmonauts Avenue, Reunion: The Dallas Review, Menacing Hedge, Neologism Poetry Journal, Santa Clara Review, Pulp Poets Press, and elsewhere. Her work has been recognized by the Creative Writing Ink December 2019 Competition and the Robert Bone Memorial Creative Writing Prize.

Kristin Gallagher

KRISTIN GALLAGHER is a writer from Massachusetts who currently resides in Miami where she is an MFA candidate at Florida International University and the assistant managing editor of Gulf Stream Magazine.

Stephany Brown

STEPHANY BROWN taught English for many years and then, late in life, switched to Social Studies. In the meantime, she’s written stories, which have appeared in Blackbird, Room of One’s Own, Brain, Child and elsewhere. She lives in Flagstaff, Arizona.

Midge Raymond

MIDGE RAYMOND is the author of My Last Continent, a novel published by Scribner.  Her short story collection, Forgetting English, received the Spokane Prize for Short Fiction.  Her fiction and nonfiction have appeared in TriQuarterly, Bellevue Literary Review, Flash: The International Short-Short Story Magazine, the Chicago Tribune, the Los Angeles Times magazine, and Poets & Writers.  Midge lives in the Pacific Northwest, where she is co-founder of the boutique publisher Ashland Creek Press.