Tag Archives: Issue 17

Katherine Joshi

Katherine Joshi teaches academic writing at the University of Maryland, where she received her MFA in fiction writing in 2014. Her fiction has previously appeared in Big Muddy, Glasschord, and Journey, under her maiden name Kipp. Originally from Tennessee, she now live in Northern Virginia with her husband, son, and nearly toothless cat.

Cristina Legarda

Cristina Legarda was born in the Philippines and spent her early childhood there before moving to Bethesda, Maryland. She is now a practicing physician in Boston. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in America magazine, The Dewdrop, Plainsongs, FOLIO, HeartWood, Ruminate, Smartish Pace, The Good Life Review, and others.

Brian A. Salmons

Brian A. Salmons writes in Orlando, Florida. His work is in The Ekphrastic Review, Autofocus Lit, Stereo Stories, Arkansas International, Memoir Mixtapes, Sunlight Press, Poets Reading the News, O:JA&L, and YellowJacket Press and TL;DR Press anthologies. He also edits and reads for Autofocus Lit. Find him on IG @teacup_should_be and Twitter @brianasalmons

Sophia Naylor

Sophia Naylor’s plays include All-One!, Blood and Dolly, Boxed, My Little Big Brother, The Sermon, and Play-Bot. Her works have been produced and/or developed by the Pear Theatre, Women in SOLOdarity, PCSF, MN Fringe Festival, and Local Color. Sophia co-founded the murder mystery theater company The Clue Collective, for which she wrote and customized shows. She earned an Honors Theater degree from Swarthmore College, specializing in playwriting, dramaturgy, acting, and Shakespeare. You can find her online at sfnaylor.com.

Katherine Varga

Katherine Varga is a writer, theatre critic, and teaching artist living in Rochester, NY. Her plays have been performed in seven states. Her prose has appeared in Passengers Journal, as well as the Democrat & Chronicle and Rochester City News. On an ideal day, you’ll find her biking to the public library.

Ashley Warlick

Ashley Warlick is the author of four novels the most recent of which is The Arrangement published in 2016. The recipient of an NEA Fellowship and the Houghton Mifflin Literary Fellowship, her work has appeared in The Oxford American, McSweeney’s, Redbook, and Garden and Gun, among others. She is a partner at M. Judson, Booksellers and Storytellers in Greenville, SC.
Warlick teaches fiction at Queens University of Charlotte’s low-residency MFA in Creative Writing Program.