Free Fall

36 feet of earth risen from the ground.
Sometimes the earth itself
raises a hand in prayer.
Sand spilling down its face, the hill
across the blacktop from our cheap apartment
sang invitation. Sang freedom. So
we ran, clambered up its almost impossible
angle until we stood
perched atop a lip of dirt as thin
and crisp as light. The wind in our hair.
A choir of insect leg sirens titillating
the open space below us.
Nothing between us and the ground
but sand as fine as a beach arc,
just enough to catch a body in motion.
We ran over and over into nothing.
Filled the sky with our fall,

… [Click here to purchase a copy of the magazine]

Zachary Kluckman

Zachary Kluckman is a nationally ranked slam poet with work appearing in print worldwide, including New York Quarterly, New Writing Scotland, Cutthroat, Crab Creek Review, Blue Mountain Review and Arts & Letters. A multi-award winning writer and performer, he was most recently a named Finalist in the Subnivean Poetry Awards, judged by Kazim Ali. His first collection, The Animals in Our Flesh (Red Mountain Press, 2012) won the Red Mountain Press National Poetry Prize.  His new collection, Rearview Funhouse was published by Eyewear Publishing in 2023.

Contributions by Zachary Kluckman